ABC Board rescinds 11 p.m. rule, requires licensees to abide by directives of State Health Officer

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC Board) during a special called meeting Tuesday adopted an emergency rule requiring all on-premises licensees to abide by the directives of the State Health Officer. The emergency rule adopted in August which required licensees to end alcohol sales by 11 p.m. and alcohol purchased prior to 11 to be consumed by 11:30 was rescinded.

The Board voted 3-0 to approve the new emergency rule, which requires, at a minimum, that licensees admit no more than 50% of their occupancy limits, require each patron to wear a face covering, ensure a minimum of 6 feet distance between individuals and groups, and maintain and encourage the use of hand sanitizers at all entrances.

Any ABC licensee found to be in violation of this emergency order or any subsequent directive of the State Health Officer shall be subject to immediate suspension of their ABC license pursuant to Code of Alabama 1975 §28-3A-24(b) and §41-22-19(d).

By law, the new emergency rule will be in effect for a maximum of 120 days, unless the Board votes to modify or rescind it.