Tag: Files from Yesteryear
Files from Yesteryear: March 22, 1945
From the files of March 22, 1945
Walter News
T/Sgt. and Mrs. T. C. Webb have returned to Camp Fosterfield, Texas, after spending his furlough with...
Files from Yesteryear: March 15, 1928
From the files of March 15, 1928
Holly Pond, March 13—Seems like rainy weather is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lovie...
Files from Yesteryear: March 8, 1917
From the files of March 8, 1917
To get our new farm paper circulated in Cullman county we will send free, postpaid...
Files from Yesteryear: March 1, 1934
From the files of March 1, 1934
FOR SALE—Two registered Jersey Milch Cows. Cheap. O. B. Myrick, Cullman,...
Files from Yesteryear: Feb. 22, 1934
From the files of Feb. 22, 1934
A dog suffering from rabies went wild in the West...
Files from Yesteryear: Feb. 14, 1935
From the files of Feb. 14, 1935
National Speaker to Be Here
Dr. F. Scott McBride, general superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of America, will speak...
Files from Yesteryear: Feb. 8, 1945
From the files of Feb. 8, 1945
Wedding Image
SGT. and MRS. BENJAMIN HERMAN REID are pictured following their wedding on January 22. Mrs. Reid is...
Files from Yesteryear: Feb. 2, 1928
From the files of Feb. 2, 1928
When Mr. Ground Hog looked as he emerged from his winter...
Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 25, 1933
From the files of Jan. 25, 1933
Jan. 19 - Claude Glass, 27 to Miss Annie Hudson, 21.
Jan. 20 - Hubert Edmondson, 24 to...
Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 18, 1945
From the files of Jan. 18, 1945
North Vinemont News
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Drake visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Blackmon, Sunday afternoon.
Pauline and Louise Norris...
Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 10, 1963
From the files of Jan. 10, 1963
Newlyweds Are Invited To See Show Free
The Ritz Theatre is inviting all 1963 newlyweds to be guests of...
Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 5, 1950
From the files of Jan. 5, 1950
Knight Circle Has Delightful Meeting
Mrs. W. R. Rainey and Mrs. O. M. Fisher were co-hostesses on Dec. 19...
Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 31, 1931
From the files of Dec. 31, 1931
Mrs. Bonnie Allison Entertains at Bridge.
Tuesday evening Mrs. Bonnie Allison entertained a few of her friends with a...
Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 21, 1961
From the files of Dec. 21, 1961
Wesleyan Service Guild Has Christmas Party
Miss Jane Shelton was hostess for the Christmas party of the First Methodist...
Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 19, 1957
From the files of Dec. 19, 1957
Barbara Yost To Lead S.T.A.R. Dance
Miss Barbara Yost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Yost, will lead...
Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 20, 1962
From the files of Dec. 20, 1962
Berlin Sunshine Club Has Christmas Party
The Berlin Sunshine Club held its Christmas party at the Lorenz Restaurant Thursday...
Files from Yesteryear: 1955
From the files of 1955
Fred Harbison won the Grand Championship at the Beef Show with a shorthorn steer. Mary Wood won Reserve Champion with...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950
From the files of 1900
Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store.
Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle...
Files from yesteryear: 1903, 1933
From the files of 1903
Fred Betz is building two cottages for rent.
Reverend C.E. Sheibe and John Engel left on Tuesday, to a conference in...
Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938
From the files of 1918
Mrs. John Lewis and children, of Birmingham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Linton.
Colonel and Mrs....
Files from yesteryear: 1951
From the files of 1951
Oak Level News
Reverend J.S. Shults filled his appointment here on Sunday and Sunday night.
Mrs. Loy Hinkle, Freida and Frances, attended...
Files from yesteryear: 1950
From the files of 1950
Funeral services were held on Friday, at Hopewell for Mrs. Ruby Dial McNeal, who died in Birmingham, on November 16....
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950
From the files of 1930
The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulyses Yeager.
Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936
From the files of 1930
The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936
From the files of 1930
The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930
From the files of 1900
The length of public schools in this county will be increased this year from three to four and-half months.
The Tribune-Gazette...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950
From the files of 1900
M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.
Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham.
Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle.
Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville,...
Files from yesteryear: 1916, 1920
From the files of 1916
W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham.
The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant.
A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers...
Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935
From the files of 1905
The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick, of Birmingham, will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950
From the files of 1900:
M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.
Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950
From the files of 1900
The Polytechnic College will close Friday and the scholars will picnic at Blue Hole on Saturday.
Mrs. Judge Fuller and pretty...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936
From the files of 1900
John Sutterer has recently added another story to his residence.
Miss Sarah Parker is attending commencement exercises in Anniston.
John Shannon and...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950
From the files of 1930
The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulysess Yeager.
Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton...
Files from yesteryear: 1930
From the files of 1930
Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930
From the files of 1900
Arthur and Walter Oden are at the bedside of their father, Captain E.J. Oden.
Reverend Anson West has about recovered from...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936
From the files of 1900
George Patrick of Ryan’s Cross Roads was here yesterday.
C.N. Peek, of Eddy, was in Cullman on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R.E....
Files from yesteryear: 1964
From the files of 1964
W.F. Looney Dies
Funeral services were held on January 22nd, at the Corinth West Church, for William Frazer Looney, age 73,...
Files from yesteryear: 1952
From the files of 1952
Hanceville cheerleaders this year ae Jo Vaughn, Hail Thomas, Belva Sue Johnson, Eleanor Gay Chappell, Margaret Johnson, Barbara Ann Johnson...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1952
From the files of 1936
Mrs. H. Parker was a nice hostess on Thursday for a dance.
George Stiefelmeyer, Grand Master- Elect of the Grand Lodge...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936
From the files of 1930
Miss Eunice Butler has recently graduated from Alverson Business College in Birmingham.
Mrs. John Luyben and Mrs. F. Mallery were joint...
Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938
From the files of 1918
Doctor C. Stewart is attending court in Huntsville this week.
A dance was enjoyed by the younger set at Quartette Hall,...
Files from yesteryear: 1902
From the files of 1902
The old building on the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street East is now being removed preparatory to the...
Files from yesteryear: 1952
From the files of 1952
Hanceville cheerleaders this year ae Jo Vaughn, Hail Thomas, Belva Sue Johnson, Eleanor Gay Chappell, Margaret Johnson, Barbara Ann Johnson...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1952
From the files of 1936
Mrs. H. Parker was a nice hostess on Thursday for a dance.
George Stiefelmeyer, Grand Master- Elect of the Grand Lodge...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936
From the files of 1930
Miss Eunice Butler has recently graduated from Alverson Business College in Birmingham.
Mrs. John Luyben and Mrs. F. Mallery were joint...
Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935
From the files of 1905
The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950
From the files of 1900
Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store.
Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle...
Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938
From the files of 1918
Mrs. John Lewis and children, of Birmingham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Linton.
Colonel and Mrs....
Files from yesteryear: 1955
From the files of 1955
Fred Harbison won the Grand Championship at the Beef Show with a shorthorn steer. Mary Wood won Reserve Champion with...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
The Cullman County High School was closed on April 1, 1936, due to lack of funds. Mrs. Oldacre spoke to...
Files from yesteryear: 1951
From the files of 1951
North Walter News
Mr. and Mrs. Leak Hosey, of Akron, Ohio, were the Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs....
Files from yesteryear: 1951
From the files of 1951
New Harmony News
Charley Benefield was buried at New Home last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Maze spent last week with relatives...
Files from yesteryear: 1951
From the files of 1951
Mr. and Mrs. Collidge Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Woodard, in Haleyville on...
Files from yesteryear: 1902, 1932
From the files of 1902
Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South, has been properly hung, its volume and tone are...
Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954
From the files of 1937
Miss Jeanette Green returned Wednesday from Roswell, New Mexico, where she has been since January. Her many friends are glad...
Files from yesteryear: 1937
From the files of 1937
August 26, S.S. Abbott, 59, to Mollie Murray, 50.
August 27, Otice L. Jones, 20, to Sarah Tankersley, 21.
August 28, Meredith...
Files from yesteryear: 1937
From the files of 1937
The State of Alabama owns 4,221 buildings. The appraised value of these buildings, including contents, is $36,079,850. This property is...
Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954
From the files of 1937
On Tuesday, August 17, the W.C. Griffith Gin at Hanceville had the privilege of processing Cullman County’s first bale of...
Files from yesteryear: 1950
From the files of 1950
Arthur Jack Hyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hyatt of Cullman graduated with honors from Florence State Teachers College.
Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1994
From the files of 1937
Doctor R.B. Dodson is Commander of the American Legion.
Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Kirtt, who formerly lived at West Point, have...
Files from yesteryear: 1933, 1952
From the files of 1933
Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at...
Files from yesteryear: 1936
From the files of 1936
Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah,...
Files from yesteryear: 1951
From the files of 1951
Oak Level News
Reverend J.S. Shults filled his appointment here on Sunday and Sunday night.
Mrs. Loy Hinkle, Freida and Frances, attended...
Files from yesteryear: 1901, 1954
From the files of 1901
W.F. Reese, of Joppa, killed two snakes in his hay field last week. One was 5 feet,
5 inches long, with...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
The dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here,...
Files from yesteryear: 1933, 1952
From the files of 1933
Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at...
Files from yesteryear: 1936
From the files of 1936
Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah,...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930
From the files of 1900
Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond.
D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel.
The sixth annual...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950
From the files of 1900
M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.
Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage...
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham.
Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle.
Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville,...
Files from yesteryear: 1916, 1920
From the files of 1916
W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham.
The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant.
A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers...
Files from yesteryear: 1954
From the files of 1954
Mrs. Cecil Looney, of Geraldine, was the guest last week of Mrs. Lois Weeks. Mrs. Weeks returned home with her...
Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1954
From the files of 1904
Miss Annie McConnell has returned to her studies in Tuscaloosa.
Mrs. Joseph Rudder returned Wednesday from an extended visit in Knoxville.
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
Mr. G.W. Tingle passed away on October 10. There were 12 children born to this union. Burial was at Mars...
Files from yesteryear: 1936
From the files of 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Ray attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Sam Bradford, at Bethsadia, on Tuesday afternoon.
Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950
From the files of 1936
This dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here,...
Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934
George Markland has bought a lot on Highlands, with the view of building a nice residence.
Some very naughty boys cut the German Society flags...
Files from yesteryear: 1917, 1937
From the files of 1917
Mrs. O. Kinney, Mrs. G.W. Johnson, Honorable and Mrs. A.A. Griffith have returned from a ten day stay in Dawson...
Files from yesteryear: 1937
From the files of 1937
Mr. Bill Clapp and Geraldine Mugrove surprised their friends by getting married last Thursday. They are residing with Mr. and...
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936
From the files of 1930
The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930
From the files of 1900
R.W. Riley of Joppa was here on Monday.
A.J. York attended the sheriff’s convention, in Montgomery, this week.
Doctor J.S.O. Whitson, of...
Files from yesteryear: 1920, 1930
From the files of 1920
The new sheriff of Cullman County appointed by Governor Thomas E. Kilby is Mr. J.W. Lambert of the Welti Community....
Files from yesteryear: 1930
From the files of 1930
Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council...
Files from yesteryear: 1950
From the files of 1950
Funeral services were held on Friday, at Hopewell for Mrs. Ruby Dial McNeal, who died in Birmingham, on November 16.
Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950
From the files of 1930
The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulyses Yeager.
Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton...
Files from yesteryear 1930
From the files of 1930
Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930
From the files of 1900
Arthur and Walter Oden are at the bedside of their father, Captain E.J. Oden.
Reverend Anson West has about recovered from...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936
From the files of 1900
George Patrick of Ryan’s Cross Roads was here yesterday.
C.N. Peek, of Eddy, was in Cullman on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R.E....
Files from yesteryear: 1936
From the files of 1936
The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday. President-Marie Drake, Vice-President- Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron...
Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934
From the files of 1904
C.F.J. Hartung, M.D., came home from Chattanooga this week.
Louis Owen, Esquire and Frank Johnson, of Bremen, were in town this...
Files from yesteryear: 1932, 1952
From the files of 1932
Inez and Bertie Young spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. H.J. Mize.
Attending the quilting at Mrs. Henry Mobley’s on...
Files from yesteryear: 1908, 1932, 1933
From the files of 1908
The county teachers institute was held at Joppa with County Superintendent D.V. Smith presiding.
Cullman has secured the county high school, ...
Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934
From the files of 1904
Warm, dry weather continues.
Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company.
Indications point to a victory for the Democratic...
Files from yesteryear: 1937
From the files of 1937
Hanceville – J.R. Edmondson, Principal, James Cooper, Frances Fraser, Joe Ray, Dixie Christian, Beatrice Alexander, Mrs. Lucille Rowell, Beulah Caudell,...
Files from yesteryear: 1937
From the files of 1937
County Board of Education: R.E. Moore, Superintendent; Doctor J.G. Daves, President; T.F. Gladney, Vice- President; Judge Tankersley; A. Pinkerton and...
Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934
From the files of 1904
Warm, dry weather continues.
Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company.
Indications point to a victory for the Democratic...
Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954
From the files of 1937
October is here -the month of witches, black cats and spooks. Already at Fairview High we are looking forward to...
Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1950
From the files of 1900
We are in receipt of a copy of E.T. Paul’s latest and greatest March entitled, “Dawn of the Century March.”