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    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: On Sunday, September 19, 1920 a big dinner was given at the home of William E. Grimmett, near Good Hope....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: The length of public schools in this county will be increased this year from three to four and-half months. The Tribune-Gazette...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900: M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham. Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle. Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1916, 1920

    From the files of 1916: W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the files of 1902: Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South, has been properly hung, its volume and tone are...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952

    From the files of 1952: Gerald Sandlin, age seven, was seriously injured earlier this week when he was hit by an automobile near his home...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936

    From the files of 1936: Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900: Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond. D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel. The sixth annual...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the files of 1900: The weather this week is the warmest of the season. E. Hauk is having a well drilled on his lot on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1930: Professor and Mrs. R.P. Johnston spent last weekend in Nashville with relatives. The Cullman Baptist Association will meet, with Etha Baptist...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

    From the files of 1900: Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store. Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the files of 1950: Henry Ford Turner of Hanceville is working on his doctorate at the University of Alabama. Three men were arrested, on Sunday,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick of Birmingham will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1932, 1933

    From the files of 1932: Miss Mildred Kinney was hostess at the Entre Amies meeting Thursday evening. The Fidelity Club met recently with Misses Marie and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the files of 1902: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Crider, formerly of Loretto, now of Jefferson County, were visiting friends here last week. Mrs. Casper Arnold,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952

    From the Files of 1952: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horton of Hanceville were guests on the Bud Collyer, Toni Break the Bank Television program. They...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1952, 1957

    From the Files of 1952: L.W. Yates is serving as Superintendent of Cullman City Schools. F.G. Manley brought a giant persimmon into the Tribune office this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Second Blast Victim Dies Edwin Earl Howard, 16, the second victim of the explosion here on June 16, which had...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: New Harmony News Vester Plunkett is ill in the Arab Hospital. Jim Tom Noles is in a Birmingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Friends and relatives who visited Aunt Lula Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pike during last week were Mr. and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Akers Family Reunion The annual Akers family reunion was held on June 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.M....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the Files of 1940: Census Shows Cullman to Lead in Farms and Industries, 7th District In a complete return of the Business and Manufacturers,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the Files of 1940: Logan News Jackie Rushing is spending the week in Birmingham with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Logan will go to Ponders this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1940

    From the Files of 1917: Mrs. Bud Butler, of Holly Pond, remains dangerously ill. Mrs. George Parker was hostess to members of the Priscilla Sewing Club...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1898, 1917, 1930

    From the Files of 1898: J.H. Karter, of Cullman, holds the honor of building the first store in Vinemont. It will probably later be as...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900: Alvin Ahlrichs has purchased the Cullman Telephone Exchange and the office will be moved to the Protest Building. Arrangements have...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1936

    From the Files of 1902: Searcy Johnson is now operating the telegraph office at the depot at night. Misses Claude Allred and Maude Jones visited in...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1932, 1952

    From the Files of 1932: Inez and Bertie Young spent Saturday night with their sister, Mrs. H.J. Mize. Attending the quilting at Mrs. Henry Mobley’s on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1908, 1932, 1933

    From the Files of 1908: The county teachers institute was held at Joppa with County Superintendent D.V. Smith presiding. Cullman has secured the county high school,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the Files of 1902: Mrs. Louis Nebrig of Garden City was seriously injured when a wild cow hooked her down and trampled her in...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1952

    From the Files of 1902: J.A. McMinn has just opened a full line of groceries at his old stand. A.W. Lancaster has gone to Falkville to...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Miss Blanche Linton was married to Mr. Paul Burks at the Vinemont Baptist Church. Miss Miriam Boyd of Hartford and Rayburn...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1933, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: E.M. Brundridge left Tuesday for the Lone Star State. G.S. Leeth and Bob Lee returned from Saint Louis on Tuesday. Each...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1954

    From the Files of 1904: Married Sunday at 3 p.m. were Miss Addie Smith and Wiley Burks. C.W. Holmes, formerly of Unity is now a businessman...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954

    From the Files of 1954: Killed instantly at 6:30 Wednesday morning was Carl Milligan, 35, of Bangor. The accident occurred at the Garden City Heading...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1937, 1954

    From the Files of 1904: A lively group of Decaturites came to Vinemont on Saturday and spent the day hunting chestnuts. Born to Mr. and Mrs....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: School opened at Enon on Monday with Herbert Alldridge and Ethel Brown Harris as teachers. We are sorry to report that...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: The Cullman Bearcats lost to Tuscaloosa Count High, 19-6. The lone Cullman score was set up by Marion Woodall, who...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

    From the Files of 1902: J.W. Arnett has sold his farm at Joppa and will leave in a few days for Louisiana. Reverend J.E. Creel preached...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1952

    From the Files of 1902: Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South has been properly hung, its volume and tone are...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

    From the Files of 1933: Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith, at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: C.F.J. Hartung, M.D., came home from Chattanooga this week. Louis Owen, Esquire and Frank Johnson, of Bremen, were in town this...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: Teachers Hanceville – J.R. Edmondson, Principal, James Cooper, Frances Fraser, Joe Ray, Dixie Christian, Beatrice Alexander, Mrs. Lucille Rowell, Beulah...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: County Board of Education: R.E. Moore, Superintendent; Doctor J.G. Daves, President; T.F. Gladney, Vice- President; Judge Tankersley; A. Pinkerton and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: Warm, dry weather continues. Arthur Sanderman is behind the counter at Vinemont Grocery Company. Indications point to a victory for the Democratic...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937, 1954

    From the Files of 1937: October is here -the month of witches, black cats and spooks. Already at Fairview High we are looking forward to...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From The Files Of 1937: Marriages: October 13 – David M. Morgan,, 36, to Cordelia Harper, 34 and Floyd Chaney, 24, to Molly Roberts, 18. October 14...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1935

    From the Files of 1905: Work on the new Baptist church in West Cullman is progressing nicely. S.A. Hamilton has moved back to Cullman from Hartselle. J.E....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1931

    From the Files of 1905: On November 29th Miss Eda Dreher and T.D. McMinn were married with Reverend W.H. Aufderhaar officiating. A.G. Glasscock and G.W. Ratliff...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: Rice Town news listed several people who attended the decoration at Hopewell on the third Sunday in May, including: Paul...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920: The cost of maintaining United States troops in Germany was $175,000.00 a day in 1920. Hugh Lee Tipton, Venora House, Marvin...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920

    From the Files of 1920 Sympathy was extended to the Wash Gorman and the Dee Stricklin families in the passing of two devoted Christian women. The...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1936

    From the Files of 1930: Professor and Mrs. R.E. Moore are building a beautiful new home in South Park. Both the ladies of Saint John’s Church...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: Leroy D. Box, of Beat 12 was in the city on Monday. Jeff Griffin and family left for Oklahoma, on Wednesday. Miss...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900 G.W. Hancock killed a rattlesnake in his yard a few days ago, which measured four and one-half feet long, eight...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

    From the Files of 1900 J.W. Griffin spent Tuesday in Falkville. Dan Reinschmidt, of Columbus, Georgia arrived in Cullman the first of the week. George W....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the Files of 1936: $75,000 dollars have been approved for Alabama to help drought-stricken families. G.W. Thom, of Hanceville, has announced his candidacy for the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the Files of 1936: The Jetton reunion held on the Fourth of July had forty people present, including some relatives from Blount County. Mrs. Charlie...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1950

    From the Files of 1930: Miss Eunice Martin will attend Hamilton College in Lexington, Kentucky, this fall. Miss Eleanor Lee will attend Judson College, this fall. Misses...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1936

    From the Files of 1900: Miss Minnie Boyd and J. Adams were married on August 6th. Otis and Avery Kinney took in the singing at Sandlin’s...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1956

    From the Files of 1900 Henry Rehling, well-known and highly esteemed farmer, died here on Wednesday. J.R. Griffin and little son spent Wednesday in Birmingham. A number...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1956

    From the Files of 1956 Walter News Arthur Sutton spent Thursday and Friday in Montgomery. Mrs. H.H. Segler and Mrs. W.R. Gable, of Cullman, spent Saturday...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1956

    From the Files of 1956: Garden City News Mr. and Mrs. Dan Chappell and daughter, Patty Ann, of Chicago, Illinois spent the weekend with Mr. and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1939

    From the Files of 1939: Hanceville Happenings Funeral services for Mr. J.W. Rice, 84-year-old resident of Hanceville, Route Three, who passed away on December 1st,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1939

    From the Files of 1939: Hanceville Happenings Horace Griffith and grandson, Vann Gamble spent Sunday in Birmingham, with Mrs. Griffith, at the Highland Avenue Baptist...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1919, 1939

    From the Files of 1919: Miss Alberta Ziegler entertained a few of her friends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ziegler...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954

    From the Files of 1954: According to Marvin Ashwander, there will be a coon-on-log contest at the Guyles Combs pond on July 24th, at Steppville. Mr....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1934, 1954

    From the Files of 1934: Spencer Speegle, who is attending summer school at A.P.I., spent the weekend at home. Miss Lola Beth Francisco, of Nashville, Tennessee...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1904, 1934

    From the Files of 1904: The Right Reverend Benedict Menges, O.S.B. Abbott of Saint Bernard died on Monday, after a long illness. He founded the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937

    From the Files of 1937: Bernard Fromholdt died Thursday morning at the Cullman Hospital about 5 o’clock a.m. He was taken to the hospital on...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1937, 1957

    From the Files of 1937: Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Newton are building a new home in the city at Fourth Street, between Seventh and Eighth...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Enon and Hamby’s Chapel Miss Rosalind Holmes is home from Washington D.C. to spend three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1957

    From the Files of 1957: Gum Pond News Mrs. Nora Smith visited Mrs. Trixie Caudle one evening last week. Mrs. Caudle came home on Monday...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Beech Grove News Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fowler and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler this weekend and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Beech Grove News Miss Melba Livingston, of Good Hope, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Johnson spent the weekend at...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1940

    From the files of 1940: Helton Rites Held Mrs. Della Helton, age 60, of Cullman, Route Three, died on May 10th. Funeral services were held...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1937

    From the files of 1917: Reverend R. Pfeiffer is the new pastor of Saint John’s Church. Miss Helen Masserman has returned to Seymore, Indiana after a...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1903, 1933

    From the files of 1903: The depot here was destroyed by fire on Monday morning, between 2 and 3 o’clock. The night operator, S.H. Johnson,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1953

    From the files of 1953: Pascal Gaddis has bought a new car. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Noles, of Texas, were visiting relatives here last week. Ralph...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1953, 1963

    From the files of 1953: Eva News Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphree, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Murphree, Miss Eulala Murphree and Bertis Cagle, of Cullman,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1963

    From the Files of 1963: Valley Grove News Reverend and Mrs. Charles Lindsey and family, of Lacon, Emit Hines and Mrs. Donna Huffman and Allan were...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1972, 1928

    From The Files Of 1972 Hinkle Reunion Attending the annual Hinkle family reunion, at Rickwood Caverns, on Sunday were: Coleman and Edna Sanford, Jack R. And...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1954, 1994

    From the Files of 1954: Picnicking at the swinging bridge on Tuesday were: Nell Ann Durham and Jack Perkins, Mary Ann Speer and Bill...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1920, 1954

    From the Files of 1920: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Wallace are glad to know that their two children are slowly recovering...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1934, 1954

    From the Files of 1934: Married on Saturday at the home of Reverend J.E. Marion were Alvin Brannon and Miss Della Ham. Mr. Brannon...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the files of 1900: Dickerman has purchased the sawmill belonging to V. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage erected...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: The Democrats captured the local offices on Tuesday. B.F. Fant defeated Hubert E. Mitchell for State Senator, Kenneth J....

    Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

    From the files of 1936: The beloved preacher, Reverend B.E. Fulmer is pastor at Ebenezer this year. School opened on Monday. Mr. Chaney and...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

    From the Files of 1900: County Health Officer Yielding, of Walter, was here on Wednesday. R.W. Wiley, of Joppa, was here on Monday. A.J. York attended the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: Fairview West News Mrs. G.M. Purdy, who has had double pneumonia, is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Baldwin and children, of...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1950

    From the Files of 1950: Fairview Organizes P.T.A. Parents and teachers of the Fairview School area have had two meetings, recently. The outgrowth of these meetings...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1918 and 1938

    From the Files of 1918: On September 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Herzig, Miss...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1958

    From the Files of 1958: Garden City News Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dillashaw and daughter, of Pontiac, Michigan, are visiting relatives here. They were called here...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1958

    From the Files of 1958: Johnson Family Reunion Members of the late Isaac Johnson, Senior family enjoyed a reunion on Sunday, at Brushy Lake, in the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905 and 1930

    From the Files of 1905: Grand jurors for September will be E.A. Cornelius, C.C. Yearwood, S.M. Foust, H.M. White, R.T. Presley, C. Whitfield, J.N. Gill,...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1930

    From the Files of 1930: Larkin Yates has left for school at Jacksonville. Lee Holmes was killed in an automobile accident. He was buried in Enon...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1935 and 1955

    From the files of 1905: Mark S. Chance is visiting friends in Georgia. John Burden, of Baileyton, was in the city today. Willie Griffin is attending the...

    Files from Yesteryear: 1955

    From the files of 1955: Verle Hill and Miss Carolyn Braphy, of Buffalo, New York were married on December 17th. The wedding took place at...