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Pictured from left are, Practical Nursing graduates Eric Rodriguez of Cullman, Sara Green Murphree of Oneonta, Hoover, Associate Degree Nursing students Tabitha McCoy of Hayden, and Shannon Nichols […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="300" height="187" src="https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning-300x187.jpg" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="WSCC" style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;" srcset="https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning-300x187.jpg 300w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning-768x480.jpg 768w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning-1024x639.jpg 1024w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning-1568x979.jpg 1568w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/2106_august_pinning.jpg 2000w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><p><em>Photo: Deborah Hoover, center, director of the Wallace State Community College Department of Nursing Education, presented several students with the Nightingale Award during the recent pinning ceremony. Pictured from left are, Practical Nursing graduates Eric Rodriguez of Cullman, Sara Green Murphree of Oneonta, Hoover, Associate Degree Nursing students Tabitha McCoy of Hayden, and Shannon Nichols of Vinemont.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>HANCEVILLE</strong> – Around 100 students in the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) and Practical Nursing (PN) programs at Wallace State Community College were pinned on Tuesday night, marking their success in the nationally acclaimed nursing education program.</p> <p>“Tonight we have an additional achievement to celebrate collectively,” said Deborah Hoover, director of the WSCC Nursing programs. “It was announced last week that the National League for Nursing has selected Wallace State Community College Department of Nursing Education as one of 15 nursing programs from throughout the nation to be a recipient of the NLN Center of Excellence designation. This honor was based on data collected from the last four years and includes many of the activities that these students have participated in, including success coaching, Association of Nursing Student projects, simulation scenarios with mannequins, Let’s Pretend Hospital, Kid Check, Kids on the Block puppets and interactive curriculum exercises utilized in the classroom.”</p> <p>“It is an absolute honor to be graduating from Wallace State Nursing program,” Tabitha McCoy of Hayden, president of the ADN class, said as she addressed the nursing faculty. “It never fails that every hospital that I have stepped foot in I have heard, ‘We love Wallace State nursing students’ and that is because of you all, so thank you.”</p> <p>Sara Green Murphree of Oneonta, president of the PN program, echoed McCoy’s statement. “I believe that we have been so fortunate to attend a nursing program that has a faculty that not only cares for us, but challenges us. That will play such an important factor in our nursing careers.”</p> <p>Hoover was equally impressed with the graduating students.</p> <p>“In reflecting over the experiences with these students, three words come to mind: persistence, generous and focused,” Hoover said. “These students have persisted despite challenging courses and long clinical experiences. They have redefined commitment to study and have been present for numerous hours, and in fact days, in the student study rooms and classrooms throughout the nursing facility.</p> <p>“They have generous spirits to assist classmates and faculty when there are challenges and when there is celebration. They have given hours of tours in our building to clinical partners and provided information for new students when encouragement was needed.</p> <p>“These students are laser-focused,” Hoover continued. “They want to know what can be done and which approach would be most successful.</p> <p>“Tonight I want to express my gratitude to these graduates who have been eager to assist faculty and staff at every point. There’s a large group of volunteers in this cohort who made special contributions to Wallace. Thank you for your demonstration of service and leadership.”</p> <p>Special awards were presented to four members of the graduating classes, with Nightingale Awards awarded to PN graduates Eric Rodriguez of Cullman and Murphree and to ADN graduates McCoy and Shannon Elizabeth Nichols of Vinemont. Named in honor Florence Nightingale, the award recipients are selected by the nursing faculty and given to students who show commitment to scholarship and dedication to compassion and exemplary patient care.</p> <p> </p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://www.cullmantribune.com/2016/08/11/acclaimed-nursing-program-graduates-around-100-students-at-wallace-state-community-college/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> <item> <title>Nursing Alumni Connection to Focus on Pharmacology</title> <link>https://www.cullmantribune.com/2016/03/24/nursing-alumni-connection-to-focus-on-pharmacology/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nursing-alumni-connection-to-focus-on-pharmacology</link> <comments>https://www.cullmantribune.com/2016/03/24/nursing-alumni-connection-to-focus-on-pharmacology/#respond</comments> <dc:creator><![CDATA[cullmansense]]></dc:creator> <pubDate>Thu, 24 Mar 2016 18:04:39 +0000</pubDate> <category><![CDATA[Education]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Local]]></category> <category><![CDATA[News]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Featured]]></category> <category><![CDATA[Nursing Alumni Connection]]></category> <category><![CDATA[WSCC Alumni]]></category> <guid isPermaLink="false">http://cullmantribune.com/2016/03/24/nursing-alumni-connection-to-focus-on-pharmacology/</guid> <description><![CDATA[HANCEVILLE – The Wallace State Community College Alumni Association is hosting its annual Nursing Alumni Connection on Friday, April 22 in the Center for Science and School of Nursing. “Pharmacology Update: Medications Matter” is the focus of the event that provides up to six contact hours for continuing education credit. The day’s events will begin […]]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<img decoding="async" width="300" height="200" src="https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/alumni_logo-300x200.jpg" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="WSCC" style="float:right; margin:0 0 10px 10px;" srcset="https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/alumni_logo-300x200.jpg 300w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/alumni_logo-768x512.jpg 768w, https://www.cullmantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/alumni_logo.jpg 1022w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /><p><strong>HANCEVILLE</strong> – The Wallace State Community College Alumni Association is hosting its annual Nursing Alumni Connection on Friday, April 22 in the Center for Science and School of Nursing. “Pharmacology Update: Medications Matter” is the focus of the event that provides up to six contact hours for continuing education credit.</p> <p>The day’s events will begin with registration and a continental breakfast from 7:30- 8 a.m., followed by a welcome by WSCC Nursing Program Director Deborah Hoover. Four different programs regarding medications and therapies will be held throughout the day, as well as a networking luncheon and an optional tour of the college’s state-of-the art nursing facility.</p> <p>Speakers on the agenda include Lisa Ellard, a diabetic educator with Cullman Internal Medicine, who will speak on “Diabetes: New Insights into Therapeutic Strategies” and Michelle Cost, an ER Nurse Practitioner at Cullman Regional Medical Center, who will speak on “Street Drugs Affecting Alabama’s Health.”</p> <p>Dr. John Morris will speak on “Antibiotics: Stewardship, Outpatient Monitoring, Drug Interactions” and Dr. Mir Varquez, a cardiologist with Cullman Heart and Urgent Care, will speak on “Cardiac Drugs: The Latest and Greatest.”</p> <p>The event is open to the public. Registration is $35 before April 20 and $40 at the door the day of the event. Participants may register at <a href="http://www.wsccalumni.org/nursinga2016">http://www.wsccalumni.org/nursinga2016</a>. For more information, call 256-352-8071. Nurses should bring their licenses to be scanned for CEU credit.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> ]]></content:encoded> <wfw:commentRss>https://www.cullmantribune.com/2016/03/24/nursing-alumni-connection-to-focus-on-pharmacology/feed/</wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments>0</slash:comments> </item> </channel> </rss>