New York City Firefighter Tony James cries during a funeral service for New York Fire Department Chaplain Rev. Mychal Judge, Sept. 15, 2001. Judge died when he was hit by debris while giving last rites on 9/11. (Getty)
Like November 22, 1963, or December 7, 1941, asking someone where they...
Those silly dogs of mine will chase anything that moves and a few things that don’t. They rarely catch the things they chase except the ones that don’t move. The non-moving objects have included rocks, trees, paper someone threw down in the yard and flowers. I have actually witnessed...
Does it break your heart that Khloe Kardashian sold her house for a mere $5.49 million? Or that her net worth of $20 million allows her to purchase a new home for $7.2 million?
What is heartbreaking about this is that half of those figures could put underprivileged children through...
Occasionally, someone will ask me how many times I’ve been in the hospital. For a little fun, I often reply, “Oh, I’ve lost count, but probably thousands of times.” They usually look at me like I’m either crazy or just plain lying. Then I explain that I’ve been there...
Last night we posted a news story about the grand opening of the new Cullman County Democratic headquarters in Cullman. The headline of that story, "Cullman's with Her! Democratic HQ opens in Cullman," has been met with fury and vitriol the likes of which is, frankly, disturbing.
The point of...
The leaves are just starting to turn orange on my sugar maples, and some are already falling. It makes me think of my Granny. I can just see her raking leaves as hard as she could go. She didn’t just rake them for the sake of getting them off...
Photo: "This is my daughter, Eva "Sassy." She was about 5-6 years old in this photo. She loves to play in the mud!” LeeAnn (and Todd) Garrison of Mt. Hope
Growing up, I had the best of both worlds. I had city grandparents and country grandparents. We lived just a...
Photo shows James Webb Space Telescope mirror segments.
“Yeah, sure, NASA launches rockets and sends probes into outer space. It’s neat I guess. But, so what? What they do doesn’t affect me personally.” I’ve heard a few folks say this in my 23+ years with NASA. And every time they...
If you have ever seen a movie or a documentary about people shooting heroin into their arms, you’ve seen that dazed look come over their faces just before their eyes roll back in their sockets. That’s me on chocolate milk. I admit it – I have a bad chocolate...
Perhaps you had milk with your cereal this morning; if so, you can thank a farmer. Or maybe, if you buttered your whole wheat toast, used some sweet strawberry jam or some delicious apple butter on it, you can thank a farmer.
All over Cullman County, and all over the...
They say that one of the strongest memory triggers is the sense of smell. That must be true because whenever I smell chalk or yeast rolls, I think of the first day of school.
It was always intimidating, and a little exciting, to enter the doors of that old elementary...
Last week, my husband and I were going south on Interstate 65 when we hit a piece of steel in the road. One tire blew right away. Because of it being a steel tire, it caused my minivan to go to the left, which was the median. Everyone backed...
To the young girl thinking of becoming a nurse...
The world will speak at you in many ways. You will read how the medical world is full of red tape, rules, ratios and never-ending charting, but there are a few things they are missing. The world needs good nurses called...
Photo: Members of First Baptist Church of Cullman giving a check to First Source with funds they raised through our Baby Bottle Boomerang program.
Have you ever felt challenged by parenting? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by pregnancy? Any parent can honestly say that parenting has its challenges! We are...
An open letter from Cullman County Coroner Jeremy Kilpatrick
There are dark times and then there are great times. Sometimes the dark outweighs the great. I have found that the best prescription for depression is GOD. However, your dark times may require more. I urge you to seek help. Please...
This month, our nation will observe Memorial Day. This is the one day each year that we pause to mourn those Americans who have given their lives for our country; except, most of us don’t! Most of us don’t pause to mourn. Most of us go to the beach,...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala. (AL-04) today released the following statement regarding a push by Democrats to make it illegal to display the Confederate flag in national cemeteries.
“What we are seeing is a politically charged symbol being used to divide people along racial lines,” said Aderholt....
A poem written with love to my Mother, Carolyn Vandiver
Mama, so many times I've called your name and every time there came an answer just the same.
You always knew when something was wrong and with a few caring words, soon the problem was gone.
Mama, I know that you...
When I was growing up the one person who was always there for me was my mother. I was born in the old DeKalb General Hospital in Fort Payne, Alabama. Guess who was there. Well, dah. If she hadn’t been there I couldn’t be here! Her face may have...
From The Cullman Tribune, April 28, 2016 edition:
April 27, 2011 – My Story
Leanne H. West
I will always remember April 27, 2011, along with everyone else who was in Cullman County (or anywhere in Alabama) on that fateful day. I had the misfortune to be near ground zero of two...
OPINION: An Open Letter to the Citizens of Cullman, regarding the dismissal of Tourism Director Cecelia Smith by the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce
The following is an opinion piece submitted by a member of the community. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of CullmanSense, the CullmanSense staff or any other contributors to CullmanSense.
To the Citizens of Cullman:
I want...
My Fellow Republicans,
My name is David Andrews. I am a loyal supporter. Tomorrow is primary day. We will go to the polls and select our favorite candidate for president. I am proudly supporting Marco Rubio. Some people are supporting other candidates. That is okay, because it's part of the...
CullmanSense reporter Will Hogue, based in NYC, has some thoughts on Kanye West, and he wants you to hear them.
NEW YORK CITY - There was something picturesque about Kanye West standing at Madison Square Garden with his laptop in front of him, his successful hip-hop friends behind him -...
Why I am voting for Donald Trump:
Trump’s company of $10 billion has a larger budget than 15 other U.S. states’ budgets that are managed by governors and state legislatures.
Trump is one of only two candidates in the race who has ever actually balanced a budget (the other being John...
CULLMAN – Ten years waiting for the announcement that there would be another movie. Waiting a month and a half after purchasing tickets for the day to arrive. Three hours waiting in line to grab a seat. Waiting through thirty minutes of previews. But when the timeless opening theme...
Climate change has become a phrase that can spark a debate in no time at all. The debate of whether or not mankind is speeding up the process of global warming has become not a question of science any more, but a political statement. While this topic does seem...
CULLMAN – Fifty years ago, people of color were subjected to abhorrent treatment in our state, and while it is still not something many want to remember, it is the only way to truly move forward. On March 7, thousands gathered at the bridge in Selma to do just...
You have probably heard the term before, and chances are the term slipped by you. It’s easy enough to understand, but it is has been buried beneath a swarm of technical terms and lingo, mostly to keep you bored and ignorant. The term is net neutrality, and it is...
CULLMAN – Our town is growing in a number of ways, but what if we can make it even better? Let’s grow downtown Cullman in number… with pets! Some of the most popular cities in the U.S. are pet friendly, so let’s do something for the pet lovers in...
Some of us are definitely morning people. We feel a burst of energy when we wake up and we can’t wait to seize the day. Others, however, tend to get their best wind during the afternoon or in the evening. So with all that said, what is the best...
Following wild reports of a mystery fluid leaking from crypts at Cullman Memory Gardens, I decided to go out to investigate this peculiar claim.
Upon arriving, Ron Foust, owner of Stone Bridge Farms, was speaking with a local police officer and a former employee of the now seemingly deserted mausoleum...
There are a great many diets floating around these days, each with some extreme weight-loss claims and an eating regime that involves either cutting something out or adding something totally weird to your normal meal system. However, there is one in particular that currently holds the number 1 slot,...
News becomes old very quickly these days. Headlines that could last for weeks now disappear in days in the digital world. News stays new. Occasionally though some important ones fall through the cracks and get lost. Below we take a look at four of the biggest breaking stories in...
CULLMAN - St. Bernard Preparatory School’s production of “Cinderella” was held recently and their talented students and staff presented the story like no other. “Cinderella”, a Rodgers & Hammerstein Production, is a timeless classic enjoyed by many for generations. The junior version of the timeless tale, performed by the...
It’s become known as the greatest mistake on the Internet of all time. It is the largest security breach online ever . . . and it was a total accident. The Heartbleed Bug, as it’s become known, was first reported and named by Codenomicon on April 1, 2014. The...
It’s a date most of us in Alabama know by heart now. Three years ago, a generational super storm ripped through the heart of the South, spawning 211 tornados over the course of 24 hours. Sixty-three of them were in Alabama. Of those four were EF5s, meaning they caused...
A Follow-Up on Fort Hood
Last week a horrible event repeated itself. A lone gunman attacked the army base of Fort Hood, killing three and injuring 16 others. This was less than five years after Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 people and injured another 32. Both events involved...
March marked the 150th month of the war in Afghanistan. Since October 7, 2001, U.S. troops have been deployed there. Their primary task had been to eliminate Afghanistan as a safe haven for terrorism, specifically the bases used to train and harbor those implicit in the September 11th attacks...
The Cleaning Agent That Has Superpowers
With the many uses and capabilities of vinegar, it’s astonishing that there hasn’t been an infomercial about this amazing product. I can see the video reel now: “It cleans, it shines, it disinfects, it deodorizes, it protects. But wait, there’s more! It’s naturally derived...
Almost 90 percent of Americans agree the 113th Congress has failed miserably at their jobs. Some blame Republicans. Others blame Democrats. Still others blame the President. A few blame everyone. No matter who is to blame, the root of the problem remains. Problems demand solutions. Occasionally they demand atypical...
OPINION: Obamacare’s Assault on the Lower-Middle Class; Affordable Care Act Isn’t What You Think
Obamacare or the “Affordable Care Act” continues to be highly debated four years after being signed into law. Conservatives present it as the poster child of liberal big government overreach. Liberals defend it as the reason they see for government to exist, to protect those with less, and to...
Just as we are sweeping up the leftover tinsel and bits of wrapping paper that have gone astray from our Christmas celebration, we are getting ready for New Year’s Eve. It seems like the same thoughts enter my brain every year at this time. How did yet another year...
I am writing and raging. Raging because I am tired, oh so tired, of my activism being repressed or limited by bureaucratic minutia and ridiculous protocol. I am even more upset at the ways bureaucracy stifles my students who, because they are informed and outraged, want to act and...
The announcement that the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize was to be awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) took many by surprise. The consensus choice seemed to be the young female education activist, Malala Yousafzai. The selection of OPCW, however, fits the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s...
By Peter G. Cohen
Considering the recent poor relations between Russia and the U.S., their cooperation on Syria seems miraculous and is worthy of the support and encouragement of our people. The fact that both parties have need of a nonviolent solution to the issue of chemical weapons in Syria...
The apparent employment of chemical weapons in Syria should remind us that, while weapons of mass destruction exist, there is a serious danger that they will be used.
That danger is highlighted by an article in the September/October 2013 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Written by two...
Dear President Obama,
I supported you in both elections, with my vote and financial giving. When you were elected, I was overjoyed that the US had a leader in the White House who was bright, articulate and honest. After the Bush years, many of us were very discouraged about our...
Our Congressional Representatives and Senators were called back last week and briefed before the fall session starts. They will have to decide whether to support Obama’s call for a military attack on Syria. I shudder when I think about this whole process. I remember that just before the invasion...
We now have a huge war machine that dwarfs President Eisenhower’s warning about the undue influence of the military-industrial complex. In an Aug. 29, 2013 editorial for Common Dreams, Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network says, “We’ve become a killer nation. We have to have endless war, like a...
While bullying between school children has rightly received much attention in recent years, other types of school-based bullying are rarely discussed. Bullying of students by their teachers remains a significant problem and is every bit as dangerous as peer-to-peer bullying.
Teacher-on-student bullying takes many forms, ranging from physical to verbal...
There is a glaring hole in the choices being considered by the United States and the international community in response to the Syrian chemical weapons attack that left 1,400 dead. The only two options that are being seriously debated are action in the form of military engagement and inaction....
Submitted by Mitch Reid, program director for the Alabama Rivers Alliance
The Roman orator Quintilian once said, “Whilst we deliberate how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it.” Last week’s decision by the State of Florida to escalate the water war over Georgia’s use of water...
Crowds of people gathered together on Saturday, August 10, 2013, in Cullman County to pray for their community schools and colleges. The reasons are crystal clear. At school after school, in crowds so large there was standing-room only, parents, grandparents, neighbors and children closed their eyes and bowed their...