47.4 F
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Tribute to my mother, Grace McDowell Stewart

As we all get ready to remember or celebrate Mother’s Day May 14, my memories of my mother will always remain special to me. I will never forget the moment she passed away and how green her eyes were as she lay still in...

Letter to the Editor: In honor of my father

My beloved father Randy Wilkerson died March 22, 2010, 13 years ago at the age of 61. My father's love was unconditional, and he always wanted the best for me. He encouraged my dreams, my passions, and when I would suffer through the darkest nights...

Letter to the Editor: Opportunities abound at 40th Alabama State Games

Dear Editor: Registration (alagames.com) for the 40th Alabama State Games is now open, and we are expecting a record-setting 6,000 participants to flood Jefferson County to participate in the Games. The Alabama State Games - founded in 1982 at the request of the US Olympic...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Shout out to Cullman Appliance Repair

It's uncommon nowadays that a business can be prompt, knowledgeable, efficient, reliable, kind and helpful all wrapped in one. It's even more uncommon that you see a business that has all the above plus a team that works together to help get the job...

Letter to the Editor: Vote to keep an appointed CCBOE superintendent

Cullman County desperately needs to vote to keep an appointed superintendent in the next election for Cullman County Schools.   I have heard so many people say they don’t have a voice or vote at all with what happens in the school system. We have a...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thank you, Jeremy Kilpatrick

I would like to let your community know they have a coroner they should be thankful for. After losing my wife Ruth of 38 years in an auto accident, I was contacted by Mr. Jeremy Kilpatrick. He was most helpful in guiding me through...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Cullman VFW Post 2214 collects donations through Buddy Poppy program

Iraq veteran and commander of Cullman VFW Post 2214, Brian Monk, and wife, Rachel Monk, president of the VFW Auxiliary, pick different dates and locations every year to collect Buddy Poppy donations for the VFW. The money raised goes back to helping veterans in...

Letter to the Editor: A race to beat Lyme disease

In June of 2012, our family visited a petting zoo in the Florida Keys. The next night, we ended up in the ER with a rash that would overtake Madeline’s body. The doctor administered medication and sent us home. He said it could be...

Letter to the Editor: America’s truckers are an important line of defense against human trafficking

On any given day, there are tens of thousands of people being trafficked into and within the U.S. A large percentage of the victims are minors, often young females, who are brutally forced to perform commercial acts of sex or labor against their will.  January...

Letter to the Editor: Is there any real good that comes out of gambling for the people and businesses of Alabama?

There was an article concerning the Alabama Legislature 2021 Session in The Cullman Tribune on January 2, 2021. Garlan Gudger and Randall Shedd commented on whether or not to allow gambling and in which forms it might take. I am concerned that the article...

Letter the Editor: The dangers of benzodiazepine abuse

Prescription benzodiazepines can treat several conditions, including epilepsy, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. However, professionals continue to debate as to whether long-term use of these drugs is medically acceptable. As more information has surfaced regarding these drugs' addictive potential, medical professionals have shied...

Letter to the Editor: ‘Thank you and God bless’

On behalf of Double CK Bucking Bulls and Second Chance Rodeo Ministry we would like to take a few minutes to say thank you to our sponsors from this year and give you a brief glimpse into the year and what your sponsorships made...

Letter to the Editor: COVID-19 threatens access to medical treatment; stressed professionals go above and beyond

My family and I experienced a near tragedy this week. I want to share this to give some insight into our current COVID situation but also for other reasons. My precious Mother fell, causing a brain bleed. I want to give a big shout...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Amend the 2015 Mandatory Release law

Dear Editor, On September 12, 2020, a horrendous crime was committed to someone very near and dear to our hearts. Herndon “Junior” Self was a hard-working and outgoing husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, and uncle whose only fault was putting his trust in the wrong...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: In support of Rick Neighbors for Congress

Editor:            Almost 20 years ago we retired to the great state of Alabama. When the “dust” settled we began to pay attention to our local representation and learn all the new names and faces. It took a long, long time to figure out who our...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: It’s time for Alabama to do the right thing and expand Medicaid

The time has come to paraphrase the lawyer Joseph Welch in the famous Joe McCarthy hearing and address Governor Kay Ivey instead: “Have you no sense of decency, ma'am, at long last?” Alabama’s coronavirus infections and deaths continue to climb. And among the victims are poor...

Letter to the Editor: An open letter from South Vinemont mayoral candidate Shirley Arnett

After the recent Letter to the Editor from my opponent, I commented that I have never heard, thought or said that Mayor Dodson has done anything illegal whatsoever. I want to say, in this election, the choice is between two very different candidates. We have ...

Letter to the Editor: In support of Colony Mayor Donnis Leeth

To the Editor: First let me introduce myself.  I am The Town of Colony Councilman Melvin Hammond (Finance) and have been a councilman for two and a half years. This is in support of Mayor (Donnis) Leeth. The other candidate, Curtis Johnson, is running for this office,...

Letter to the Editor: COVID-19 and the CHS band

I am the former activities director for Westminster Assisted Living. The reason I am writing you is to provide feedback regarding the CHS Band. My daughter is a clarinet player in both marching and symphonic bands for Cullman High School. She also has chronic...

Letter to the Editor: An open letter from South Vinemont Mayor Radginal Dodson

As far as this election goes, there have been several things said defaming my character. One, there’s things that have been said about things that have happened in the town that I have done illegally. I want to set several things straight. First of all,...

Letter to the Editor: Vote YES March 3, 2020 and Keep Cullman Great!

March 3, 2020 the citizens of Cullman County have an incredible opportunity to set the course for their future.  Voting to support the proposed 1-cent sales tax has the potential to provide approximately $10 million of additional funding for Cullman County and Cullman City...

Letter to the Editor: Vote out politicians who do not support Biblical principles

I am a Christian, an RN who has worked for over 40 years, a wife, mother, and grandmother. The politics and politicians in Washington are being used by the devil to destroy the United States created by our forefathers. We were a country with...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hypothetical – Bernie or Elizabeth, was this your idea?

Right-thinking, fact-driven Americans have hit their high-water mark, frustrated with the liberal news media fabricating stories about conservatives.  Every day, since the Nov. 8, 2016 election (almost three years ago), liberal Democrats and members of the counterfeit media have worked around the clock fabricating,...

Letter to the Editor: 9/11 – My story: What I saw firsthand with President Bush that day

September 11, 2001 – Sarasota, Florida: It was a beautiful day as I stepped out of a bungalow at a tennis resort where President Bush and his traveling team, including Secretary of Education Rod Paige and I, had stayed overnight. As Chief of Staff...

Letter to the Editor: Valuing school bus drivers

The purpose of this letter is to draw public attention and awareness statewide to a travesty concerning a profession that should command better wages. Some states, cities and counties are much more equitable than others, however, some officials need to be held accountable for...

Letter to the Editor: New federal public charge rule will hurt families and children across Alabama

A new Department of Homeland Security regulation published last Monday will harm the health and well-being of thousands of Alabama families. The so-called public charge rule also will threaten access to health and human services programs for U.S.-born citizen children. When proposed last fall, the...

Letter to the Editor: Why should I join the VFW?

I’m a combat veteran but I’ve got a job, two kids in sports and I’m busy, or, I’m retired with grandkids and church and keeping up my place, I’m BUSY!!! I just don’t have time to join, and besides, what’s in it for me? According...