39.8 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025
    Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen recently signed a joint letter to President Donald Trump with 19 other conservative secretaries of state urging the repeal of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Below is the content of a media release issued by Allen’s office: This repeal would cut government fees and red...
    ADDISON, Ala. – In today's world of instant gratification and what have you done for me lately, it begs the question, what does a high school football coach have to do to keep his job in this new age? Is it just winning? If that's the case what kind of winning? State...
    How do you have a reunion with a group of people when you have never met most of them? You can do that when the group is made up of people with whom you have something special in common. Many reunions are with people who attended school together and maybe...
    Editor’s note: Written prior to Valentine’s Day You probably won’t get the day off from work, or school, on Valentine’s Day. You will be hard pressed to find a Valentine’s Day parade. Actually, Valentine’s Day is not even a legal holiday. All the stores and restaurants will be open like...
    I am most thankful to have had the opportunity to get a college and seminary education. There was a time in my younger life when I had a hard time seeing how any of that could ever be a possibility. My parents encouraged me to do well in school,...
    Whew. I must have said that in my head a dozen times on Thursday, Jan. 30, as I watched the students of Heirlooms Fine & Performing Arts step onto the stage. Each of them had spent weeks preparing, practicing and refining their performances, all leading up to this moment —...
    Well, I said, “Let it snow,” and it did. Thankfully, this one was no blizzard, but it was deep enough to make some snow cream. It was even big enough to be named. It was called Winter Storm Enzo. The strange thing about this snow was the further south...
    It is hard to believe that 20 years ago the first Empty Bowls of Cullman County dinner was held on Nov. 17, 2003.  From the very beginning, it was very apparent that God gathered the people together to make it happen: the potters, the culinary experts, musicians, businesses, churches,...

    COLUMN: Grandma groupies

    I heard a rumbling noise coming from the second floor of my house. Since we almost never go up there, I thought that one of our dogs might’ve cornered a squirrel that got in through the attic. I made my way up the stairs, walked in the bedroom and...
    The late Johnny Cash had a hit song back in 1996 in which he claimed to have been everywhere, man! He mentioned 92 cities across the United States that he had visited. He even mentioned Opelika, my hometown since 2007. In 2022, Mike Schmidt visited all 92 cities listed...
    The Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten)  is the author of 13 bestselling cookbooks, a beloved Food Network personality, an Instagram sensation and  a cultural icon. She shares her personal story in her memoir, “Be Ready When the Luck Happens.” Ina survived an difficult childhood. She was physically and psychologically abused by her father. Her mother was...

    COLUMN: Aunt Ginnie

    The first time I went to their home was for a family Thanksgiving dinner. Actually, it was the midday meal, but down here we used to call that one dinner. Besides, that’s too much food, and much too scrumptious to simply be called “lunch.” I can’t remember if that...
    These drone sightings over New Jersey remind me of a time years ago when mysterious lights were spotted over Birmingham, Alabama. I know because I’m the one who did it. I have to make a confession: UFOs have always fascinated me. Maybe that’s because I watched “The Day The Earth...
    Once upon a time, long, long ago, there lived a young lady named Mary. Mary was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. Before they were wed, and while she was still a virgin, Mary was found to be with child. God sent an angel named Gabriel...
    “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2 Polaris is the scientific name for the North Star, and it is the brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Mina. It is the star closest...

    COLUMN: The music of Christmas

    Christmas is my favorite season of the year. Christmas music is one of things about the season that I love so much. I love the story of the birth of our Savior, and the best Christmas music tells that wonderful story through song. Some of the most beautiful songs that...
    To those feeling trapped in a desperate place — whether by financial burdens, the absence of meaningful relationships, or an overwhelming sense of being unloved and unwanted — I urge you to take a step back from the storm of emotions. Pause, if only for a moment, and reflect...
    By now, I’m sure most of you have your Christmas tree and home decorations up. Not me - I’m a world class procrastinator. Think I’m kidding? I still have a rotten jack o’lantern on my front porch. Of course, soon I will be forced to give in to my...
    This real Christmas story has generous-spirited angels, wise men delivering gifts, shepherds guiding the way and carpenters like St. Joseph, the earthly father of the Christ child. Students in the Construction Technology program at the Cullman Area Technology Academy (CATA) learned the nearby campus of the Alabama Institute for the...

    COLUMN: Good dogs

    “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.” Mark Twain I read where author Rick Bragg’s just lost his dog Speck. If you’ve read his best-selling book, “The Speckled Beauty,” I think you will understand his feeling of loss....
    When residents of Cullman County open their wallets to donate or when city and county entities contribute significant funds to local organizations, there’s an expectation: that these funds will be used responsibly, and that donors will be informed about where their money goes. Many organizations in our community proudly...
    The late gospel singer and writer Andre Crouch had a popular song back in the 70s titled, “To God Be the Glory.” The opening verse says, “How can I say thanks for the things God has given me? Things so undeserved, yet he gave to prove his love to...
    “First Frost” is the 20th novel in Craig Johnson’s “Longmire” series. The novel is written with a dual timeline. One is during the present day, with Walt Longmire (the fictional sheriff of Absaroka County in Wyoming), being questioned by a judge about a murder that took place in the previous book of...
    I’m not exactly sure how he managed to live in this world this long, especially in the South, and never experience one of the sweetest treats of life. Some of you have watched my grandson, Drew, grow up… if not in person, at least through my writings. He is...
    I’ve noticed in recent years, even though I’ve paid for a motel/hotel room in advance, the check-in clerk always wants my credit card for incidentals. That’s so I don’t skip out without paying for that Coke Zero and peanut M&Ms I scarfed down, or that $5 bottle of water...
    Many rivers have locks, but not only the kind that lower or raise boats in its water. You may have seen them before, but quite honestly, I never had. On our recent visit to Europe, I saw them for the first time. There were tons of padlocks hanging from...
    A wonderful Father was there at her birth. He watched as a brave young nation struggled to stand on her feet. Her people were faced with over whelming odds against them as they sought their freedom from one of the world's greatest powers. But her people always looked to...
    I began shaving when I was around 13. Why, you might ask? Not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. I did have a small amount of peach fuzz on my face by that age, and my dad had a razor, shaving cream and cologne. He also had...

    COLUMN: Fry me to the moon

    I was born in the South. And I live in the South. That means I eat fried food – me and about everybody else down here. Oh sure, I look on a restaurant menu and see where they offer grilled fish or chicken. They even charge more to grill...
    When I saw the handwriting on the wall, I knew we were no longer in Kansas; excuse me, I meant Alabama. As a matter of fact, we were approximately 4,500 miles east of my home in Opelika. I didn’t need the prophet Daniel to interpret this handwriting, or even...

    COLUMN: Let’s get rolling

    I was talking to a friend’s daughter at a high school football game. When I asked her if they had any special Homecoming activities on tap, she said sweetly, “We’re going to roll some yards. It’s a tradition.” I smiled and nodded. Rolling yards was a regular part of my...

    COLUMN: Why did he say that?

    People can say some strange things. Some of these statements are quite annoying, while others may be funny and enjoyable. Some of the things people say leave me shaking my head and wondering what they said and why they said it. Do you know what I mean? I’m talking about...
    Mama had a mysterious situation. Her dried apples kept disappearing. Each day their number seemed to be less than it had been the day before. For some strange reason, she seemed to think I knew something about it. Mama must have thought I was extremely smart, because she came...
    Youth football has changed in the past handful of years. Gone are the days of “Good game!” and “We will work harder next time.” The game has turned into a miniature NFL draft in the eyes of some of the parents.  Unfortunately for some of these parents there is a...
    I’m sitting in my favorite chair, TV remote in hand, shaking my head in disbelief. There’s nothing good to watch on television. Unless, of course, you’re into UFOs, the location of the Ark of the Covenant, Hitler’s super weapon or how to survive in the woods without any clothes. This...
    On Monday, July 29, Auburn University announced that the Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID) would be dissolved by Aug. 15. In an email sent to faculty, staff and students, university administration stated that this action was being taken in order to remain in compliance of Alabama Act 2024-34...
    If you have read my past reviews, you know I am a big fan of Kate Quinn. While “The Briar Club” is different from her previous historical fiction, I found her latest book captivating. Her other novels are set during a war. This novel is set in Washington, D.C. during the Cold War...

    COLUMN: Arguments

    One of the most memorable lines I ever heard in high school was delivered to my friend Randy when he got into a heated disagreement with our English teacher, Mrs. Duncan. After about five exasperating minutes, she put an end to it when she said, “If you want to...
    Published without edits The time has come for the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission (AMCC) to fulfill its promise and deliver medical cannabis to the patients in Alabama who have been waiting far too long. This delay is not just an administrative failure but a critical issue impacting the health and...
    “The First Lie Wins” is a thrilling mystery. Evie Porter seems to be a typical Southern woman living the dream in Louisiana. She and her boyfriend, Ryan, have an idyllic home with a white picket fence, friends and money. Except, Evie does not exist. She is a con artist and Ryan is...
    I have been yelling like a…well, a grumpy grandfather. It’s embarrassing really – yelling for quiet. But it’s necessary when you have a houseful of screaming kids. I know my voice only added to the pandemonium, but I had to do something. The TV was blasting, an iPad was playing...
    October will be here before we know it, and we all know what that means, bow season opener. July is a great time to get a lot of things done to make sure you are ready for opening day. Don’t procrastinate and be the guy prepping 10 days before...
    Several years ago, working on a garden design project at the Governor's Mansion (Montgomery), I discovered the FREE resources of the Library at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, and the superb, longtime director, Hope Long. For garden design inspiration and "how to," I return to the library and Ms. Long...
    I became involved with World Changers about 20 years ago and through the years traveled to places like Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas and Alaska with them, repairing, painting, cleaning and upgrading homes for the elderly and needy in our country. This organization, through the years, has helped many, many...
    Since It was my fourth trip to the watch repair shop, I didn’t have high hopes. I’m sure the little Russian man who owned it would tell me, like he had on my three previous visits, that he couldn’t find the parts to get the wristwatch running – thanks...
    For Memorial Day, several of my gym fitness friends and myself ventured to the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville.  What an experience!  The 5K event featured 1,257 finishers in the race. Several friends and I also completed the race.  Fairview teachers Whitney Haynes and Leslie Arnold, as well as track athlete Jack...
    I just read an article about a man who was disqualified from a fishing tournament for cheating. Y’all, I think Jesus is coming soon. Fishing is a sport that has long been known for its liars. Ever heard the term “fish story?” But when people start cheating in fishing...
    Kristin Hannah’s latest book is historical fiction set in 1966 during the Vietnam War. The first part of the book takes place in Vietnam. The second part is about the return home to the United States.  Frances “Frankie” McGrath has just completed nursing school. Her golden boy brother, Finley, has graduated from the Naval...
    Dear Coach Saban, Since I wrote a letter to Kalen DeBoer a few weeks ago and gave him some pointers about the South, I thought it was only fair to drop you a note and give you a tip or two about the strange new world that you are in...
    I write this as a man who was raised by a single mother during the most transformative years of my life. It's hard to express in words the depth of my gratitude for all the trials she faced to enable me to pursue the life I have now. On...
    Around each turn in a local grocery store or shopping center, you can almost certainly hear some variation of the phrase, “Enjoy this while it lasts,” or “You’ll miss this one day.” These phrases, just like so many others, are often uttered sweetly and fondly by well-meaning passersby, usually aimed at a mother with a...

    COLUMN: The Great Escape

    As I tend to the scratches and scrapes on my bare legs, I’m wondering if I should get a tetanus shot. I don’t think the ones on my leg came from the rusty barbed wire fence in the woods, but I’m not 100% sure. So, I guess I’ll just...
    I should’ve known. I mean, I know a bad omen when I see one. Why didn’t I pay attention? On a recent trip to Disney World, the people at our hotel rented my wife Carol an electric scooter with the number three on the back. I should have immediately...
    We must change our laws in Alabama so that people with mental illness can get adequate mental health (care). Today, what we have in place is not working for the people who need it the most. These issues need immediate attention: The lack of beds in the state of Alabama for...

    COLUMN: Cornbread 101

    For whatever reason, I decided today was going to be the day. Without hesitation, I walked into the bedroom with purpose and called to my wife Carol, who was watching a movie on her iPad. I got right to the point and said, “Hey, the time’s come. I should have...
    Bones and Barrels is one of the most underrated trail races you will find. Zombie Trail Races, a local running company, hosts seven of these races annually. The Bones and Barrels Endurance Beer Mile 5K took place at Palomino RV Resort in Cullman on March 16. From my perspective and to...

    COLUMN: Snakes hiss me off

    It’s springtime, and I knew it was bound to happen with all this warm weather we’ve been having. Today, I almost stepped on a snake during my morning walk. For those of you who think an overweight old man can’t jump, I beg to differ. Put me in the...
    Over the last two years, there has been a heightened number of attacks on female runners, which begs the question — are we safe alone?  The Memphis case in which Eliza Fletcher, a 34-year-old mother and  teacher was found slain after her early morning training run, was one of several...
    On Feb. 22, 2024, Cold Springs High School Family and Consumer Sciences classes took 25 students on a field trip to tour local Cullman venues. In the Event Planning class, students learn about different types of venues and what it takes to put on an event, whether a birthday party,...

    COLUMN: Dear Coach DeBoer

    Dear Coach DeBoer, Even though you’ve been down here for a few weeks, I would like to welcome you and your family to Alabama. I hope that we can share many wonderful years together. I’m sure you probably still have some questions about us since you haven’t spent much time...
    In the intricate tapestry of modern pop culture, few threads have ever been as seamlessly woven as that of Taylor Swift and NFL fandom. As Taylor Swift’s boyfriend, Travis Kelce, and the Kansas City Chiefs clinched their third Lombardi Trophy in just four trips over five years, it wouldn’t...
    It was Valentine’s Day 1973 and I had a big problem. What do I get my girlfriend? This was our first V-Day together, so there was certainly an expectation to give her a nice gift. The second part of the problem involved finances. Since I was in college, I was...
    Since wonderful Covid locked us down for a while before excessive safety measures were put in place, The Tribune debates have been an event we look forward to as it allows hopeful candidates to actually debate and exchange ideas without being coached or given a list of questions well...
    CULLMAN, Ala. - Cullman County was enveloped in a thick sheet of ice and sleet in the early days of the week, creating the perfect scenery along with ingredients for the perfect storm: slick and treacherous roads.  A winter storm brought the wintry mix on Monday night; projections that...

    COLUMN: Tickets

    I know some of you are going to think I’m out of my mind, and maybe I am. I bought tickets to see the Rolling Stones. Yes, the guys who are in their late 70s and early 80s; the guys whose faces have more wrinkles than a cotton shirt left...
    Sept. 30, 1993, marked a watershed moment in Alabama history. That is the day Mercedes-Benz went against the grain and chose our state to be the home of their first U.S. manufacturing facility. It was a decision that changed the future of our state like no one could have...
    From my personal perspective, one of the most wonderful things about having grandchildren (besides being able to give them back) is that we get to choose the names that they call us. I’m certainly glad this is the case, but considering how parents micromanage every aspect of their kid’s...
    With another legislative session in Alabama right around the corner, along with a presidential election, “school choice” is quickly becoming a hot topic across the state. The phrase could mean anything from voucher systems to statewide open enrollment, depending on who is defining it.As an advocate for public education...
    Carrying a heavy burden is not the easiest thing in life, but for the rare few it's something we know has to be done because others are not going to pick it up.  Over the years I've penned quite a few editorials that have had significant fallout or...
    Ah, Christmas.   This writer has never seen the community of Cullman pull together so tightly until wreaths are strung amid streetlights, the Warehouse District is beset in Edison bulbs and the sound of Christmas classics follows you everywhere you go. The entire tone of our town switches from a busy...
    As 2023 comes to a close, it naturally offers an opportunity to look back at all we have done over the last year. In Alabama, I believe we have, once again, made progress. When I was sworn in for my second term as governor last January on the front...

    COLUMN: Some assembly required

    As we approach Christmas, I would like to send a heartfelt wish of good luck to all of you parents out there with young children. You’ll need it. If this is your first time to have Christmas when Santa Claus magically delivers all of the gifts to your house,...
    It was a horrible, sickening phone call. Within a few seconds, my hopes and dreams were crushed like someone stepping on a Coke can. And to think my mom did it! Let me elaborate. Growing up, I was a comic book kid. Beginning about the age of 8, I began...
    “Blessing of the Lost Girls” is J. A. (Judith Ann) Jance’s latest book. As the title indicates, this novel is about missing and murdered Native American women. Few people realize the problem of these missing and murdered women. While a work of fiction, the fact is many missing and...

    COLUMN: Common scents

    My wife Carol has been strongly suggesting (I call it nagging) that I visit my doctor and get the once over. I told her that even though it’s been six months beyond my usual check-up time, I feel fine. She responded that I would never let my car go...
    Decisions, decisions. What was I going to eat for supper? That’s always an important question for me, but today is a special day. Today was the first day that my taste has come back since I had Covid (my fourth time, by the way). In addition, my wife’s out...

    Op-Ed: Fear of the known

    Work. It's something most of us have to do at least five days each week. However, for some the work week turns into a work month, which morphs into working nearly every day.  I'm not complaining as the profession that chose me suits all aspects of life and allows a...
    Picture it: a verdant green field, speckled with hay, dotted with pumpkins of every shade. The air has a certain crispness to it. Faint music in the distance, interluded by the laughter of children as they ooh and ahh over which pumpkin to take home. A full-blown tantrum snaps...
    In an era where social media platforms amplify voices, it is imperative to exercise discernment between constructive dialog and counterproductive complaining. As evidenced by the recently concluded Oktoberfest in Cullman, which witnessed unprecedented attendance, the potent synergy of organizations such as Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism, the City...
    I recently went to see singer Jackson Browne perform at the Alabama Theatre in downtown Birmingham, and a curious thing happened. After the first song, he looked around and said, “I remember this theatre. What a nice place to play music.” It’s a nice place to do most anything....
    “Shhh” in a Cullman County library was likely first heard in the home of Colonel John Cullmann, the county’s founder. The Colonel was known for having a sizeable collection of books written in his native German, and others in English, the language of his adopted country. Shhh happens in libraries. Shhh...
    Alabamians are feeling a bit of relief at the grocery store checkout lines as a result of the tax cut on food that a coalition of conservative lawmakers and I pushed through the Legislature during the 2023 regular session.  Beginning on Sept. 1, the state’s 4% sales tax on grocery...
    Ah, yes it’s the time of year when politicians and those with political aspirations fill out paperwork as they prepare for the upcoming election cycle. It’s also a perfect opportunity to bring those candidates and elected officials together for traditional debates to find out where they truly stand and...
    Kate Quinn has done it again! After authoring numerous gripping novels about women in World War II, she does not disappoint with “Diamond Eye.” It is based on the true story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a sniper for the Russian Army during the German invasion. There were 2,000 female snipers...
    Oh, my Lord. I didn’t want to believe a link a friend just sent me. There is a new flavor of Skittles candy - mustard! I repeat – mustard-flavored Skittles. I’m gagging as I type this. Folks, the end times have to be near. Though not as bad, Kellogg’s has...
    As a sewist and quilter with over 15 years of experience, I have been called several times to adopt another quilter's "stash". A stash in the quilter community is a collection of material, trims, patterns, findings, even equipment and furniture, collected over a sewing career. It is incredibly intimate...
    To gather the fullest employment picture in Alabama – and across the nation for that matter – we must shift our focus to labor force participation.   Alabama’s current unemployment rate is at an impressive and historic low of 2.2%. In fact, almost all of the 10 states with the lowest...
    As a Cullman local who lived in the county and worked at a local watering hole, Rock the South had always been synonymous for me with heavy traffic, rowdy bar guests and a vibrato of whatever headliner they snagged pounding through your temples as you tried to sleep after...
    The summer mansions of Newport, Rhode Island, are the setting for this book, which is about three women in three different eras written by three different authors. Money, old and new, and secrets held in the boathouse dominate the story. The first storyline is set in present-day Newport with Andie Figuero, who...
    Shane Quick is a “Home County Hero” of mine. The modern-day trinity of Frank Stitt, the James Beard Award-winning, celebrity chef/founder of Highlands Bar and Grill; Mother Angelica, the nun who founded the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament; and Shane Quick, the visionary founder of the star-studded and throng-delighting,...
    BRING YOUR GRANDMA to SEE “THE GRANDMOTHER MAGNOLIA” and BRING YOUR GRANDPA to see “THE GRANDFATHER PINE” at the Sportsman Lake Park TREE MUSEUM—FREE and open to all, 365 days each year. (Directions: Go to Sportsman Lake Park and take the road to the picnic pavilions, look for the...
    Readers who frequent the Cullman County Public Library System share reviews of some of their recently read books. Submission date: July 11, 2023 Reviewer: Heather Allen Title: “Devolution” Author: Max Brooks Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Thoughts about the book: I can read this book again and again! There are so many layers. A...
    Alabamians may have felt their wallets bulge a bit last month when the Legislature approved our bill that slices the sales tax on groceries in half and implements the single largest tax cut in state history. Alabama was one of only three states that taxed groceries at the full rate...
    Readers who frequent the Cullman County Public Library System share reviews of some of their recently read books. Submission date: June 22, 2023 Reviewer: Paulette Gentry Title: “A Corner of the Universe” Author: Ann M. Martin Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Thoughts about the book: This book caused me to think about how a...
    CULTIVATE CULLMAN: The Countywide Arts & Gardening Celebration, which includes “Culinary Cullman” and musicians with Cullman County roots, grew from a seed of an idea to a big, beautiful, flowering thing faster than kudzu after an Alabama summer rainstorm.   (Date for the 2024 CULTIVATE CULLMAN Arts & Gardening Show...

    COLUMN: BBQ joints

    I love me some BBQ. That’s because I’m Southern, and it’s the law. If you cut me, I will probably bleed smoky, sweet, red sauce. Any kind of meat is fine, but I have a strong lean toward pork ribs. I firmly believe a properly barbecued pigsicle can change...
    This debut novel is somewhat whimsical and totally delightful. Set in fictional Sowell Bay near Seattle, it is a story of love, grief, the fear of aging and friendship. And yet, it is still amusing.  Part of the novel is told by Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus who is somewhat sarcastic and very intelligent. He has been...

    Op-Ed: Father’s Day

    Father's Day is the day that we come together to honor and appreciate the extraordinary fathers in our lives. From the moment we take our first breath, fathers assume a pivotal role in shaping our lives. They become our protectors, mentors and providers. Whether biological, adoptive or a father...


    I’m not a handyman. I truly wish I was, but it’s just not in my DNA. I can’t make a straight cut on a 2x4 to save my dog’s life. If you give me a hammer and a handful of nails, all you’re probably gonna get are bent nails....
    Dennis Lahane’s latest book “Small Mercies” is set in Boston in 1974, just weeks away from court-ordered school desegregation. The novel is set in a time of anger, hatred and bigotry, and the language reflects that. I will not be quoting any passages. The story is gripping, but brace yourself for the vulgarity.  There is a tremendous amount...