53.3 F
Saturday, March 22, 2025

Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 21, 1961

From the files of Dec. 21, 1961 Wesleyan Service Guild Has Christmas Party Miss Jane Shelton was hostess for the Christmas party of the First Methodist Wesleyan Service Guild at the home of Miss Evelyn Winn on Monday evening. The program “The Meaning of Christmas” was presented...

Files from yesteryear: 1951

From the files of 1951 Oak Level News Reverend J.S. Shults filled his appointment here on Sunday and Sunday night. Mrs. Loy Hinkle, Freida and Frances, attended the wedding of their daughter, Reba Faye and Talmadge Vaughn on Saturday night. They are now honeymooning in Texas. Mr. and...

Files from yesteryear: 1950

From the files of 1950 Funeral services were held on Friday, at Hopewell for Mrs. Ruby Dial McNeal, who died in Birmingham, on November 16. Reverend J. Gilbert Speake conducted the services and Mutual Service directed interment, in the Hopewell Cemetery. Pallbearers were Louis Wamp,...

Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936

From the files of 1930 The County Board of Education has moved into its newly remodeled building, which is one of the finest in the state. Mrs. T.A. Smith had charge of the P.T.A. program on Tuesday. A book week program was given and Mrs. M.H....

Files from yesteryear: 1916, 1920

From the files of 1916 W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers Club rooms on Friday night. Mrs. A. Dreher will entertain at the Symphony Club on November 23rd. Claud Griffin spent the first...

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936

From the files of 1900 John Sutterer has recently added another story to his residence. Miss Sarah Parker is attending commencement exercises in Anniston. John Shannon and Harry Fuller were in Birmingham the first of the week. Sheriff A.J. Allgood and Dwight Fuller went to Tuscaloosa on Thursday. A...

Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1950

From the files of 1930 The bodies of two Cullman County soldiers arrived home, Emory McConnell and Ulysess Yeager. Mr. Jessie Smith is erecting a cotton gin at Simcoe. W.C. Waldrop and wife attended the two-day Union Harp singing at Old Redan Church and reported a fine...

Files from yesteryear: 1930

From the files of 1930 Presidents of the various organizations on the Cullman County High School campus are Boys Council – Juel Lee, Girls Council – Myrtle Wise, Senior Class – Carl Peinhardt, Junior Class – Nelle Hurston, Sophomore Class – Bruce Wallace, Freshman Class...

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930

From the files of 1900 Arthur and Walter Oden are at the bedside of their father, Captain E.J. Oden. Reverend Anson West has about recovered from an illness. D.L. Aldredge of Holly Pond was in Cullman on Tuesday. Miss Minnie Braasch and Edgar Stoll of Vinemont have entered...

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1936

From the files of 1900 George Patrick of Ryan’s Cross Roads was here yesterday. C.N. Peek, of Eddy, was in Cullman on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Sanders and baby are visiting in Scottsboro. J.A. McMinn left Tuesday for New York. Sidney Dunn, of Birmingham, visited relatives here on...

Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1952

From the files of 1936 Mrs. H. Parker was a nice hostess on Thursday for a dance. George Stiefelmeyer, Grand Master- Elect of the Grand Lodge of Alabama Odd Fellows, attended the district convention of the Rebekahs in Hanceville on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Herrell have...

Files from yesteryear: 1952

From the files of 1952 Hanceville cheerleaders this year ae Jo Vaughn, Hail Thomas, Belva Sue Johnson, Eleanor Gay Chappell, Margaret Johnson, Barbara Ann Johnson and Mona Ann Seibert. Private A.P. Alvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Alvis, formerly of Garden City was killed in...

Files from yesteryear: 1930, 1936

From the files of 1930 Miss Eunice Butler has recently graduated from Alverson Business College in Birmingham. Mrs. John Luyben and Mrs. F. Mallery were joint hostesses on Thursday at a Valentine party for the Michigan Card Club. Mrs. Alvie Biggers, Mrs. Ewing Wallace, Mrs. Harry Schlosser...

Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935

From the files of 1905 The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program of piano and vocal selections were Mesdames, Beyer, Brown, Hartwig, Hays, Dreher, Coe, Parker and Miller and Misses McMinn and...

Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938

From the files of 1918 Mrs. John Lewis and children, of Birmingham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Linton. Colonel and Mrs. A.A. Griffith and son, Kenneth, have returned home from a two-week visit to Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. Miss Lily Clapp, of...

Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the files of 1936 The Cullman County High School was closed on April 1, 1936, due to lack of funds. Mrs. Oldacre spoke to the student body on Monday morning in assembly. The Cullman County High School first opened in September of 1907 with...

Files from yesteryear: 1951

From the files of 1951 North Walter News Mr. and Mrs. Leak Hosey, of Akron, Ohio, were the Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnesteen Gable. Mrs. Johnnie Guthrie spent Saturday afternoon here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ratliff spent a few days last week in Birmingham. Mount...

Files from yesteryear: 1951

From the files of 1951 New Harmony News Charley Benefield was buried at New Home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Maze spent last week with relatives in Gadsden. Mrs. Delia Noles and children, of Jasper, spent a few days last week with Uncle Scab Noles and other...

Files from yesteryear: 1937

From the files of 1937 Marriages: August 26, S.S. Abbott, 59, to Mollie Murray, 50. August 27, Otice L. Jones, 20, to Sarah Tankersley, 21. August 28, Meredith McKleroy, 18, to Clara Pettus, 16, Lemmuel M. Brock, 67, to Anna Harben, 59 and Bernice B. Calvert, 24, to...

Files from yesteryear: 1937

From the files of 1937 The State of Alabama owns 4,221 buildings. The appraised value of these buildings, including  contents, is $36,079,850. This property is insured for $27,777,245, against loss by fire. The State itself is carrying $18,566,815 of this insurance and the balance is...

Files from yesteryear: 1950

From the files of 1950 Arthur Jack Hyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hyatt of Cullman graduated with honors from Florence State Teachers College. Mrs. A.F. Young received a telegram last Friday that her son, Corporal David R. Young, 19, is missing in action. Sergeant Milton...

Files from yesteryear: 1933, 1952

From the files of 1933 Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at Panama. The 1933 Home Economics Club at Cullman High School includes: Mildred White, Grace Wonderlich, Almedia Newman, Elizabeth Glasscock, Mary Louise...

Files from yesteryear: 1951

From the files of 1951 Oak Level News Reverend J.S. Shults filled his appointment here on Sunday and Sunday night. Mrs. Loy Hinkle, Freida and Frances, attended the wedding of their daughter, Reba Faye and Talmadge Vaughn on Saturday night. They are now honeymooning in Texas. Mr. and...

Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the files of 1936 Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham. Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle. Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville, were in Cullman on Saturday.   Mrs. Conrad Howard and Miss Trichel Cordes spent Tuesday in Birmingham. Doctor and Mrs. C.E. Herrin...

Files from yesteryear: 1954

From the files of 1954 Mrs. Cecil Looney, of Geraldine, was the guest last week of Mrs. Lois Weeks. Mrs. Weeks returned home with her for several days. Mrs. Jimmy Duren, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nail and Mr. and...

Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1954

From the files of 1904 Miss Annie McConnell has returned to her studies in Tuscaloosa. Mrs. Joseph Rudder returned Wednesday from an extended visit in Knoxville. Captain R.P. Hobson will speak at the courthouse here today. A.D. Brooks has purchased the D.O. McKoy farm, near Logan. Harp Speegle left...

Files from yesteryear: 1950

From the files of 1950 Funeral services were held on Friday, at Hopewell for Mrs. Ruby Dial McNeal, who died in Birmingham, on November 16. Reverend J. Gilbert Speake conducted the services and Mutual Service directed interment, in the Hopewell Cemetery. Pallbearers were Louis Wamp, Kermit Gorham,...

Files from yesteryear: 1937

From the files of 1937 Teachers Hanceville – J.R. Edmondson, Principal, James Cooper, Frances Fraser, Joe Ray, Dixie Christian, Beatrice Alexander, Mrs. Lucille Rowell, Beulah Caudell, Elton Dalier, Ray Jones, Luise McCreary, Pearl R. Gaines, Rafel Cooper, Lewis Fanning – Assistant Principal, Mrs. D.B. Lamont, Mrs....

Files from yesteryear: 1937

From the files of 1937 County Board of Education: R.E. Moore, Superintendent; Doctor J.G. Daves, President; T.F. Gladney, Vice- President; Judge Tankersley; A. Pinkerton and Charles Gorham. City Board of Education: R.P. Johnston, Superintendent; M.L. Robertson, President; Doctor E.D. McAdory; G.W. Ponder; D.C. Fuller and S.H....

Files from yesteryear: 1937, 1954

From the files of 1937 October is here -the month of witches, black cats and spooks. Already at Fairview High we are looking forward to the big event of the year, “The Fall Carnival.” There is much talk and speculation about who the juniors and...

Files from yesteryear: 1936

The Vinemont 4-H Club elected officers at the school on Wednesday. President-Marie Drake, Vice-President- Dorothy Lawrence, Secretary-Daisy Edge, Cheer Leader-Myron Nesmith and Song Leader-Naomi DeMonia. They made baking powder biscuits and ended the meeting doing a cheer. Leroy Box died in Texas. He leaves a...

April Walking Tours begin this Saturday

CULLMAN, Ala. – It’s an annual tradition, and it begins this Saturday at the Cullman County Museum: the Alabama Tourism Department’s April Walking Tours. The tours will take place every Saturday in April, across 25 cities and towns statewide. According to Cullman County Museum Director...

Group enjoys meeting at Peinhardt Living History Farm

CULLMAN, Ala. – Members of the Cullman Historical Society enjoyed a change of scenery at their meeting on Sunday. The group usually meets at the Cullman County Museum, but this time enjoyed a field trip to Peinhardt Living History Farm. Members were given a tour...

Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the files of 1936  This dry season threatens the water supply in Cullman and Cullman County.  Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouen are visiting relatives here, before leaving for California, to make their home.  Glen Jetton of Gold Ridge spent Saturday night with his uncle and aunt,...

Files from yesteryear: 1954

From the files of 1954  Sergeant First Class Taylor Weldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weldon, spent a few days at home last week and will return to Long Beach, California and Navy duty on Monday.  Bob Miller, of the United States Air Force base,...

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

From the files of 1900  M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.  Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home.  A.M. Weatherford has been...

Files from yesteryear: 1916, 1936, 1950

From the files of 1916 W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. Doctor P.M. Allison has returned home from Battle Creek, Michigan. In the election of November 7, 1916, in Cullman County these were elected: Probate Judge – Fred J....

Files from yesteryear: 1964

From the files of 1964   Mrs. Clemons Father Dies Here Sunday  Robert Woods Blair, age 62, father of Mrs. L.H. Clemmons, died at the Cullman Hospital, on Sunday, after suffering a heart attack that same day.  Mr. Blair and his wife, of Leavenworth, Kansas, were guests of...

Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935

From the files of 1905  The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th.   Presenting the program of piano and vocal selections were Mesdames, Beyer, Brown, Hartwig, Hays, Dreher, Coe, Parker and Miller and Misses McMinn and Madsen.  W.B....

Files from yesteryear: 1903, 1933

From the files of 1903  Fred Betz is building two cottages for rent.  Reverend C.E. Sheibe and John Engel left on Tuesday, to a conference in New Orleans.  Doctor and Mrs. W.H. Martin and pretty little daughter, of Hanceville, were in the city, shopping, yesterday.  Ernest Hancock makes...

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

From the files of 1900  Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store.  Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle store building.  S.M. Allison has opened a jewelry shop, near the Bargain Store.  Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Heidelburg will leave the last...

Files from yesteryear: 1918, 1938

From the files of 1918  Mrs. John Lewis and children, of Birmingham, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Linton.  Colonel and Mrs. A.A. Griffith and son, Kenneth, have returned home from a two-week visit to Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee.  Miss Lily Clapp, of...

Files from yesteryear: 1934, 1937

From the files of 1934    Little Mary Landel Carr has been quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Carr.   Doctor and Mrs. J.G. Daves have returned after a week in San Antonio, Texas.   Martin Burks is recovering from an operation which he...

Files from yesteryear: 1904, 1934, 1954

From the files of 1904  Fresh Michigan celery at Mages every Saturday. – Adv.   To regulate the price of cotton, producers are going to hold one fifth of their crop and demand 15 cents a pound. They also threatened to reduce acreage next year.  The Ladies Aid...

Files from yesteryear: 1954

From the files of 1954  The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones was completely destroyed by fire on Saturday.   Bobby McClendon, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. McClendon has been named Good Citizenship boy at Cullman High School. Margaret Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs....

Files from yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

From the files of 1900  M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont.   Doctor W.A. Barclift, of Hartselle, is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home.   Mrs. M.W. Howard stopped...

An expansive history: a guide to Downtown Cullman’s most historic buildings

CULLMAN, Ala. - The National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation allow for prioritization of the preservation of historical sites based on their quality of significance in American history, including places that are associated with events that contributed to the broad patterns of...

Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950

Arthur Jack Hyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hyatt of Cullman graduated with honors from Florence State Teachers College. Mrs. A.F. Young received a telegram last Friday that her son, Corporal David R. Young, 19, is missing in action. Sergeant Milton Wilhite was injured severely...

Confederate Memorial Park to host Civil War Living History & Skirmish

Marbury, Ala. - Confederate Memorial Park, a historic property of the Alabama Historical Commission, will host a special living history event on Saturday, April 23, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Using authentically reconstructed Civil War barracks, living historians will present outdoor demonstrations on a...

The people behind the Hay People

CULLMAN, Ala. - Each fall, Cullmanites mark the times with colorful mums around downtown, and the annual appearance of the hay people is a public reminder that Oktoberfest is almost here. The two practices share a common origin.  In 1999, Cullman residents Pat and Philip...

A legacy of Civil War history – remembering Fred Wise

CULLMAN, Ala. - “He was a people person. He loved the public and he got excited when people came and talked and shared history,” Volk said of her father Fred Wise, owner of Crooked Creek Civil War Museum. “He wanted to share his love...

Do you believe in the Metal Man?

FALKVILLE Ala. – Alabama certainly has its fair share of urban legends and strange occurrences. Recently, on an adventure through the backroads of Cullman and Morgan counties, I heard mention of the “Falkville Metal Man.” Though I had never heard of him before, I...

Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954

Shaw Breaks Leg Ronald Shaw, 16, member of the Hanceville football squad, received a broken leg in the third quarter of the Bulldogs game with Arab on Friday night. Cars Collide On One Way Street Some $475 damage resulted at 3:37 p.m. on Monday when two cars...

Alabama historical site Brindley Cemetery restored and rededicated

CULLMAN, Ala. - A rededication of the Brindley Cemetery was held Friday afternoon with the descendants of Mace Thomas Payne Brindley (Brindley Mountain namesake) in attendance. The family swapped stories passed down over the years as they remembered the man and his family who...

Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954

Mrs. Icie Rowe Alley will receive a masters from the University of Alabama on Friday. Richard Johnston and Gloria Florence will be awarded bachelor degrees. Last week’s Mystery Farm was an easy one to identify. A dozen people called in rapid succession to identify it...

Senior Spotlight: Ruth Brigham, pt 2

In 1951, Harold and Ruth Brigham moved their young family from Washington D.C. to Cullman County. They would call Hanceville home and eventually have a third child, Tim. Once their children were old enough to attend school, Ruth would go to work as a...

Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1917

Marriages: August 19 – Ledmon L. Pugh, 23, to Aubrey Casen, 20. August 20 – Luther Seibenhener, 21, to Elvia Pruett, 16. August 21 – Albert Smith, 18, to Gladys Murray, 16; Asa Henry Hogland, 21, to Bertha Ogletree, 18; Cephas T. Turner, 19, to Lerone Puryer,...

Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1937

Mr. Bill Clapp and Geraldine Mugrove surprised their friends by getting married last Thursday. They are residing with Mr. and Mrs. William Clapp, Senior. Mrs. G.W. Thorn, of Hanceville, suffered painful burns on her leg last Wednesday. The Bremen Community was shocked by the death of...

Veteran Memorials: Pvt. Irving Davis

Pvt. Irving Davis was 26 years old when he was drafted during World War I. He was born in Crane Hill, Alabama and was inducted into the service on Oct. 2, 1917. He served overseas from May 1918 until his death on Oct. 13,...

365 AMERICAN JOY-GIVERS for 2021: ‘The Winners Circle Birthday Party’

Brooke Astor was known as “The Queen of New York.” Her beloved country house, “Holly Hill,” in Briarcliff, New York is the regal setting for “The Winners Circle Birthday Party.” The Westchester County estate has more than 10,000 square feet, including 24 rooms, 13...

WWI Veteran Memorials: Pvt. Johnie Pichelmayer

It was supposed to be the “war to end all wars.” The Great War, as it was referred to at the time, is what we know today as World War I. One of the deadliest conflicts in our nation’s history, it is estimated that...

Files from Yesteryear: 1930

From the Files of 1930:   Kenneth Legg, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Legg is recovering nicely after breaking his leg two weeks ago.   The marriage licenses issued on March 20, 1930 included Howard George Hyde, age 17, to Miss Nettie Williamson, age 17.   Miss...

Files from Yesteryear: 1930

From the Files of 1930:  Sunday, March 2 was the 80th birthday of Mrs. T.M. Gibbs, of Hanceville. The family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashwander. The table was centered with a beautiful cake and spring flowers were used to beautify...

Files from Yesteryear: 1920

From the Files of 1920: On Sunday, September 19, 1920 a big dinner was given at the home of William E. Grimmett, near Good Hope. The event was a surprise dinner in honor of the sixtieth birthday of Mr. W.E. Grimmett. The children combined their...

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

From the Files of 1900: The length of public schools in this county will be increased this year from three to four and-half months. The Tribune-Gazette this week goes to a seven column paper, from a six column. Probate Judge, S.L. Fuller has received warrants for 253...

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

From the Files of 1900: M. Dickerman has purchased the sawmill, belonging to W. Turney, near Vinemont. Doctor W.A. Barclift of Hartselle is having a cottage erected on the bluff, overlooking the Vinemont railroad station and will use it as a summer home. Swiss and Limburger cheese...

Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the files of 1936: Joe C. Sapp spent Monday in Birmingham. Coroner J. Grady Moss has a sprained ankle. Professor and Mrs. Joe Ray, of Hanceville, were in Cullman on Saturday. Mrs. Conrad Howard and Miss Trichel Cordes spent Tuesday in Birmingham. Doctor and Mrs. C.E. Herrin and...

Files from Yesteryear: 1916, 1920

From the files of 1916: W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham. The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant. A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers Club rooms on Friday night. Mrs. A. Dreher will entertain at the Symphony Club on November 23rd. Claud Griffin spent the first...

Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

From the files of 1902: Since the new bell, recently presented to the M.E. Church South, has been properly hung, its volume and tone are all that could be desired. Mrs. Susie Bounds, although not a member of the Methodist Church, was largely instrumental in...

Files from Yesteryear: 1952

From the files of 1952: Gerald Sandlin, age seven, was seriously injured earlier this week when he was hit by an automobile near his home at Phelan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sandlin. Harry Schlosser, age 53, was found dead in a...

Do you Remember? The Calico Shop

CULLMAN, Ala. - If you were in Cullman from the late-50s to the mid-80s, chances are you wore something or received something hand sewn with fabric and materials from The Calico Shop. Gertrude and Luther Hinds opened the upscale fabric store, which was located...

Do You Remember? Dipper Dan

CULLMAN, Ala. - Many remember the white chairs with the red heart backs and red seats when reminiscing about visiting the Dipper Dan Ice Cream Shop. It was also the place that hosted the greatest of birthday parties with the birthday boy or girl...

Files from Yesteryear: 1933, 1952

From the Files of 1933: Mrs. J.E. Pierce and son, Leroy of Cullman, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Nesmith at Panama. The 1933 Home Economics Club at Cullman High School includes: Mildred White, Grace Wonderlich, Almedia Newman, Elizabeth Glasscock, Mary Louise...

8 Alabama properties included in 2020 Places in Peril list

MONTGOMERY, Ala. - The Alabama Historical Commission and the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation this week announced the 2020 Places in Peril, a program that highlights significant endangered properties. Since 1994, the Alabama Historical Commission and the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation have joined...

Files from Yesteryear: 1936

From the files of 1936: Ralph H. Sanders is the new minister at the First Christian Church in Cullman. He is a native of Savannah, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Bertis Rascoe are building a new home in West Cullman. From January 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935,...

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930

From the files of 1900: Miss Fannie Watts of Etha is attending music school at Holly Pond. D.E. Jones is postmaster at Jones Chapel. The sixth annual session of the West Cullman Singing Convention was held at Bethlehem West on August 3, 4 and 5. J.M. Wilks presided....

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

From the files of 1900: The weather this week is the warmest of the season. E. Hauk is having a well drilled on his lot on First Avenue East. Miss Pearl Petters of Birmingham is the guest of Mrs. P.B. Arnold. Sweet potatoes are being shipped at the...

Files from Yesteryear: 1930, 1950

From the files of 1930: Professor and Mrs. R.P. Johnston spent last weekend in Nashville with relatives. The Cullman Baptist Association will meet, with Etha Baptist Church, on October 28-30. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Boschung spent Sunday in Jasper. The recent school census shows 752 people in Cullman...

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1930, 1950

From the files of 1900: Vick Clark is among the clerical force at the Racket Store. Ed Daniel has opened a restaurant in the old Speegle store building. George Parker, Junior, went to Montgomery to witness a street fair yesterday. E.E. Burnum, of West Morgan, is visiting his...

Files from Yesteryear: 1950

From the files of 1950: Henry Ford Turner of Hanceville is working on his doctorate at the University of Alabama. Three men were arrested, on Sunday, at Beech Grove, after store owner, L.A. Lynn was found lying under his porch, beaten. He was robbed of $200.00. Mr....

Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the files of 1936: Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick of Birmingham will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is a meeting of the Roosevelt Club and a Democratic Rally for Cullman County. The L.O. Brock family is building a new...

Files from Yesteryear: 1932, 1933

From the files of 1932: Miss Mildred Kinney was hostess at the Entre Amies meeting Thursday evening. The Fidelity Club met recently with Misses Marie and Madge Smith. Mrs. Geo Wunderlich was hostess to members of Symphony this week. Four letter men from last year’s team are on...

Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932

From the files of 1902: Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Crider, formerly of Loretto, now of Jefferson County, were visiting friends here last week. Mrs. Casper Arnold, 58, died in a Birmingham hospital on November 12, following two operations. Married Wednesday were Miss Jennie Burnum and D.W. McGlathery. C.C....

Files from Yesteryear: 1952

From the Files of 1952: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horton of Hanceville were guests on the Bud Collyer, Toni Break the Bank Television program. They won the $2,530 jackpot. Mrs. Horton is the former Mildred Gladney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Gladney. Mr. Horton...

Files from Yesteryear: 1952, 1957

From the Files of 1952: L.W. Yates is serving as Superintendent of Cullman City Schools. F.G. Manley brought a giant persimmon into the Tribune office this week. Charles T. Lovvorn, Junior, of Joppa is serving with the United States Navy in the Mediterranean Sea. The destroyer has...

Files from Yesteryear: 1957

From the Files of 1957: Second Blast Victim Dies Edwin Earl Howard, 16, the second victim of the explosion here on June 16, which had already claimed the life of Mrs. Martha Samples, 34, died in the University Hospital, on June 21. Funeral services were held...

Files from Yesteryear: 1957

From the Files of 1957: New Harmony News Vester Plunkett is ill in the Arab Hospital. Jim Tom Noles is in a Birmingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rhodes are spending a two week visit with relatives in Florida. Mrs. Nora Mae Williams is very sick. Mrs. Mattie Tipton,...

Files from Yesteryear: 1957

From the Files of 1957: Friends and relatives who visited Aunt Lula Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pike during last week were Mr. and Mrs. William Pruden, of Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Sanders, of Cullman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler, Mrs. Rubie Evans...

Belly up for a brew

CULLMAN, Ala. -  Last weekend, Cullman celebrated its German heritage, and without a doubt, beer was part of the Oktoberfest celebration. For years, alcohol sales were prohibited in Cullman, but beer finally debuted at Oktoberfest in 2011. While beer is a more recent addition...

History on parade: Oktoberfest walking tour features west side life, Tribune stories

CULLMAN, Ala. - For the 11th consecutive year, Cullman’s Oktoberfest celebration- though condensed by COVID- featured an evening walking tour led by Michael Sullins and Julie Burks. Over 50 visitors followed Sullins and Burks across the tracks from the Cullman Depot, down 1st Avenue...

Files from Yesteryear: 1957

From the Files of 1957: Akers Family Reunion The annual Akers family reunion was held on June 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Cobbs, at Gum Pond. The following relatives and friends were present: Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Blocker, Teresa and Jay and George...

The first 5 families

The city of Cullman is gearing up to celebrate its German heritage during this week’s Oktoberfest festivities, and while many are aware of the city’s founder, John G. Cullmann, some might not know that written stories of Cullmann’s arrival mention that he came with...

Files from Yesteryear: 1940

From the Files of 1940: Census Shows Cullman to Lead in Farms and Industries, 7th District In a complete return of the Business and Manufacturers, Population and Housing and Agricultural Census of 1940, issued by E.R. Harris, Seventh District Supervisor at Jasper, Cullman led the...

Files from Yesteryear: 1940

From the Files of 1940: Logan News Jackie Rushing is spending the week in Birmingham with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Logan will go to Ponders this weekend to take advantage of the reduced prices on white shoes. Some are as low as 49 cents. Miss Odis Watson,...

Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1940

From the Files of 1917: Mrs. Bud Butler, of Holly Pond, remains dangerously ill. Mrs. George Parker was hostess to members of the Priscilla Sewing Club on Wednesday afternoon. Claud Griffin, of New York, is  the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Griffin. Miss Dessie Armstrong...

Deadline approaching to nominate properties to ‘Places in Peril’ 2020

MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Alabamians have just one month to submit nominations to “Alabama’s Places in Peril” listing for threatened or endangered properties. Since 1994, the Alabama Historical Commission and the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation have joined forces to sponsor Places in Peril, an...

Files from Yesteryear: 1898, 1917, 1930

From the Files of 1898: J.H. Karter, of Cullman, holds the honor of building the first store in Vinemont. It will probably later be as large as his Cullman store, where he carries $100,000.00 stock. The “Ellen Inn,” at Vinemont, is in charge of Mr. and...

Files from Yesteryear: 1900, 1950

From the Files of 1900: Alvin Ahlrichs has purchased the Cullman Telephone Exchange and the office will be moved to the Protest Building. Arrangements have also been perfected whereby connection can be made with the long distance telephone. L.B. McCillan of Cooper, Texas is visiting Cullman’s...

Files from Yesteryear: 1936, 1950

From the Files of 1936: Everyone is disappointed that schools are closing from lack of funds. Students will not be promoted. Misses Opal Lee and Virginia Grob, students at Judson College, are spending the spring holidays in Cullman. Miss Gladys Tankersley became the bride of Mr. William...

Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1936

From the Files of 1902: Searcy Johnson is now operating the telegraph office at the depot at night. Misses Claude Allred and Maude Jones visited in Hanceville this week. Doctor Carol Henckell and children and Dwight Fuller visited the Magic City on Wednesday. Hope Ogletree returned to Milam...