Berlin town council approves FY 2024 budget, prioritizes community projects

(Tribune File Photo)

BERLIN, Ala. — The Berlin Town Council approved its 2024 fiscal budget on Monday, detailing plans for significant community projects while noting a projected discrepancy between revenues and expenses. 

The budget outlines a total expenditure exceeding $800,000. Despite these figures surpassing the forecasted revenue, the council anticipates ample funds carried over from 2023, benefiting from a history of conservative revenue estimates and liberal expense predictions. 

Mayor Patrick Bates presented a revenue projection he deemed intentionally conservative, saying, “Year-to-date receipts for our General Fund are already more than what we’ve budgeted for next year, with a month still remaining.” 

Budget Breakdown

  • General Fund projected revenue: $312,450 
  • General Fund projected expenses: $810,750 
  • 2023 General Fund carryover: $600,000 
  • Road Fund allocation: $50,000 
  • Capital Fund designated for community enhancements: $700,000 

According to Bates, the notable gap between projected General Fund revenues and expenses stems from a $600,000 transfer to the town’s Capital Fund, which will finance two primary initiatives: 

  1. A community storm shelter near the Town Hall, estimated at $200,000, partially subsidized by a grant. 
  1. The development of a community park enveloping the Town Hall and the Berlin Farmers’ Market, with an estimated cost of $500,000. 

Apart from these initiatives, Bates emphasized the budget’s consistency with previous years. 

In the same session, the council greenlit a $6,000 donation to the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department to update essential equipment used in vehicular rescue operations. 

Bates confirmed that the storm shelter’s construction contract is underway, and local engineering firm St. John and Associates is developing the parks and recreation project. 

The Berlin Town Council convenes at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of every month at Berlin Town Hall. Public attendance is encouraged. 

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