Hope Horses holding ‘Egg My Yard’ fundraiser

Hope Horses Easter Pricing

CULLMAN, Ala. – Heading into the Easter season, local nonprofit Hope Horses is holding its “Egg My Yard” fundraiser for the third year. For a $25 donation, Hope Horses volunteers will fill a yard with a dozen stuffed eggs and a note from the Easter Bunny. Want more? Get two dozen for $50 or five dozen for $100.

Hope Horses is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing therapeutic riding lessons to children and adults with physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs. It is located on Convent Road.

Executive Director Kelsey Rice stated, “Since we are a nonprofit and run strictly on community support, our goal is to offer a fundraising event each month to allow us the opportunity to get our name out into the community and raise money to help with our operating cost on items such as horse care, feed and lesson cost.”

To participate in the Egg My Yard fundraiser, call Hope Horses at 256-507-4088 or email krice@hopehorsesinc.com. The deadline to sign up is April 5. All proceeds will go toward the Hope Horses therapeutic riding program.

If you or someone you know would like to volunteer at Hope Horses, email volunteer@hopehorsesinc.com to set up a tour. Learn more at www.hopehorsesinc.com.

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