Cullman Stand Up faith event to take place Oct. 22


CULLMAN, Ala. – Faith-based event, Cullman Stand Up, will take place at Depot Park on Saturday, Oct. 22, from noon-2 p.m. Several speakers from various local churches will give brief talks and lead prayers between songs performed by Cullman Police Capt. Jeff Warnke. The special event permit issued by the City of Cullman describes Cullman Stand Up as “encouraging our families, as a community, to stand firm against the negative influences of social media on our children.”

Organizer Anita Smith said, “My inspiration was the way our children are being exposed to so much evil without protection or education from their families.”

Co-organizer Trent Dean posted to Facebook to explain the full purpose of the event:

“What is the “Cullman Stand Up” event and its purpose?

“The overarching theme or purpose of this event is to encourage our audience to stand for the righteousness of God. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). We will be encouraging our audience to stand for the righteousness of God as the best means of protecting our families and our community.

“We will have a lineup of speakers beginning at 12 noon, who will be talking about various topics that fall under our overarching theme, as well as offering prayers to God in regard to these topics. There will also be uplifting singing to reinforce the talks and prayers throughout the event, and we will conclude by praising God in song.

“Our speakers will ‘speak the truth in love’ (Ephesians 4:15) while encouraging our audience to ‘handle aright the word of God’ (2 Timothy 2:15) when it comes to the social movements and other things we read and see in the media and in our world today. We want our audience to understand that our moral compass needs to be trained and directed by the Bible — God’s word and His wisdom, not man’s.

“We would like to encourage people to come and bring their lawn chairs and enjoy the Christian fellowship and I remind our Christian brethren that ‘having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through him, we’ve obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God’ (Romans 5:1-2).”

Depot Park is located at 309 First Ave. NE in Cullman.

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