CSYFA speed and agility camp to feature gold medalist Willie Smith


COLD SPRINGS – The Cold Springs Youth Football Association (CSYFA) is set to host its first speed and agility camp July 22-23. The camp will feature Olympic gold medalist Willie Smith.

Children ages 5-17 are invited to attend the camp, regardless of school district or sport. The camp is open to both girls and boys, and will run from 6-9 p.m. on July 22 and 8 a.m.-noon on July 23. Children ages 9-17 will meet on both days, with instruction from Smith. Children ages 5-9 will meet on the second day, July 23, with instruction from Cold Springs Varsity Coach Matt Negron.

“At this time there is no maximum number of participants; we hope to have around 50 kids attend,” said Kristie Calvert McCarn, CSYFA president.

The camp will take place at the Cold Springs practice field, and the cost for the seven hours of instruction is $25 for CSYFA members and $40 for non-members. Children under the age of 8, who will have four hours of instruction, are only $20.

“We are excited to host this camp with Olympic gold medalist Willie Smith and our own Cold Springs Varsity Coach Matt Negron. Willie does a fantastic job teaching the kids fundamentals and basics of speed and agility. Working with the older kids, he brings a world of knowledge to the camp,” said McCarn. “Coach Matt has helped us with our youth program and is a great asset to the program. He does a great job with our younger kids. Combining the two we hope to focus on speed and agility, which will benefit youth in any sport they play.”

To pre-register, send the camper’s name, contact info, age and school to coldspringsyouthfootball@yahoo.com or text it to McCarn at 256-338-7204. Campers can also register on the first day of the session. Payments will be accepted on-site.

Smith is the director of PurSpeed speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) camps. In the 1984 Olympics, he took the gold medal in the 400-meter relay. He is a graduate of Auburn University. He is also:

  • 2-time NCAA champion in the 400 meter
  • 2-time American champion in the 400 meter
  • 3-time World outdoor champion on the 1-mile relay
  • Participant in three Olympic Summer games
  • World record setter in the 60-yard dash
  • 1992 World indoor champion in the 1-mile relay
  • 1996 World Masters record setter in the 400 meter

For more information on the CSYFA, visit http://qrne.ws/csyfa.