Good Hope City Council approves Warrant Purchase Agreement, sewer rate increase

Good Hope’s City Council held its final March meeting Monday night. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its second March meeting Monday night and approved a pair of new Ordinances. First was Ordinance No. 005-2022 which passed an increase in sewer rates for Good Hope residents. 

Section one of Ordinance No. 005-2022 reads, 

“Section one of ordinance No. 020-2018 of the City of Good Hope, Alabama adopted October 8, 2018, which established rates and regulations for sewer service provided by the City of Good Hope, Alabama is hereby repealed and replaced with said Ordinance No. 005-2022.  

Section 1  

(A) Residential, Business and Industrial rates within the city of Good Hope, Alabama.  

(i) The sewer disposal service fee to each residence which is served by a water meter connected with the water system, or which discharges into the sanitary sewer system water received from a source other than the water system shall be as follows:  

$13.50 for the first 12,000 gallons of water or any portion thereof; $4.00 per 1,000 gallons of water from 2,001 gallons up to 10,000  

No additional sewer disposal fee shall be charged residents for water usage in excess of 10,000 gallons of water per month, except as otherwise provided in Section three of this ordinance.   

(ii) The sewer disposal service to each business or industry which is served be a water meter connected with the water system, or which discharges into the sanitary sewer system water received from a source other than the water system shall be as follows:  

$42.50 for the first 2,000 gallons of water or any portion thereof, $7.50 per 1,000 gallons of water from 2,001 gallons up to 10,000 gallons; $6.00 per 1,000 gallons of water from 10,000 gallons and up.  

(B) Residential, Business and Industrial rates outside of the city limits of Good Hope, Alabama.   

(i) The sewer disposal charges to each resident outside the municipal limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama which is served by a water meter connected with the water system, or which discharges into the sanitary sewer system water received from a source other than the water system must first be approved by council vote, then upon approval shall be as follows:  

$15.00 for the first 2,000 gallons of water used or portion thereof; $4.50 per 1,000 gallons of water from 2,001 gallons and up.  

(ii) The sewer disposal charges to each business or industry outside the municipal limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama which is served by a water meter connected with the water system, or which discharges into the sanitary sewer system water received from a source other than the water system shall be,  

$46.00 for the first 2,000 gallons of water used in portion thereof; $8.00 per 1,000 gallons from 2,001 gallons up to 10,00 gallons; $7.00 per 1,000 gallons from 10,001 gallons up to 15,000 gallons and up.” 

Following that, the Council also passed Ordinance No. 008-2022. The Ordinance will allow the Council to seek a bond more quickly. The Council also voided its contract with Living Waters Service to design and engineer a new water treatment plan and granted Mayor Jerry Bartlett authority to sign a contract with Canyon Engineering to finish the design and engineering for the plant.  

Before adjourning, the Council approved the surplus of a Caterpillar 289D Compact Track Loader as well.  

Good Hope’s City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, April 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall.  

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Nick Griffin