Fans’ perspective: RTS ‘better than last year’

Will Hogue

CULLMAN – Rock the South is a fan-driven experience. Without the thousands of country music fans that cram inside Heritage Park each year, the event would be nothing but a bunch of vendors hawking their goods to no one, and the musicians would be performing a never-ending sound-check.          

Thankfully, though, people come from all around the country and meet in Cullman for the annual country music festival.          

This year, while some of the comments provided varying amounts of pleasure from the experience, overall, the fans reported a positive time.          

“Honestly, it’s better than last year.” said Theresa from Franklin, Tennessee. “We were here last year, and the year before, and everything is nicer, there’s more room, and the lineup is better.”          

On Saturday, there was a brief summer rain shower. That wasn’t a bad thing, according to some of the RTS visitors.          

“The rain cooled everything off,” said Sarah Tomson from here in Cullman. “Even though it made it a little humid, the rain still cooled me off. And you know us rednecks love the mud.”          

There was a noticeable decline this year, however, in the percentage of young women dressed in the Rock the South uniform of cut-off denim shorts and cowboy boots.         

All in all, the fans had a positive reaction at the end of the weekend.          

“Worth it,” said Tomson, just before Florida Georgia Line took the stage on Saturday night. “This ticket is worth the price of admission; the experience is one-of-a-kind. And all the attention it brings to our little town is great.”

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