Saint Bernard Middle School graduates 27 students

By: ,
Joyce Nix

CULLMAN – Saint Bernard Preparatory School graduated 27 students from the eighth grade of its Middle School in a ceremony celebrated in the Saint Bernard Abbey Church on Thursday, May 19 at 7 p.m.

Alison Grace Gongre read the first reading followed by the Liz Medina who read the responsorial psalm.  The second reading was read by Macy Whaley followed by the homily given by Abbot Cletus Meagher, of St. Bernard Abbey.

In his homily Abbot Cletus reminded the eighth-grade graduates to take time to “taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”  He commented that students pass the Abbey Church every day on their way to the dining hall.  He urged them to take time to pray in the Abbey Church as often as possible.  “This Church is the center of everything we do.  Take time to thank God, your parents, family and friends for the wonderful blessings which have been bestowed upon you.”

Following the homily, eighth-grader Jimmy Schomburg read the prayer of the faithful, while his classmates Claire Sanders and Alex Shoaff presented the gifts.  At the end of the service, Middle School Headmaster William Calvert presented the graduates, and Abbot Cletus Meagher, assisted by Father Joel Martin, awarded diplomas to each student.

A reception, hosted by the seventh-grade class, was held in Founders Hall immediately following graduation.