Cullman County Commission signs declaration making September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The Cullman County Commission with the family of the late Maggie Grant as September is proclaimed as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in Cullman County. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission signed a proclamation Tuesday declaring September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The commission was joined by the family of Maggie Grant. Maggie passed away in late March at the age of 4 of acute myeloid leukemia.  

Kathryn Grant shared her daughter’s story with The Cullman Tribune in early March in hopes of bringing awareness to childhood cancers. Less than 4% of cancer research funding focuses on childhood cancer research. Kathryn shared, “It’s extremely discouraging and disappointing, the lack of funding. They are worth more than 4%. There are only four drugs/chemotherapies approved for the use in treatment of childhood cancer. Adult cancers, there are hundreds upon hundreds of FDA-approved chemotherapies. Why are children only getting 4%?”  

The commission also approved the 2022 Rebuild Alabama Road Plan. Cullman County Engineer Bryan Cheatwood explained, “This will project the roads we plan on spending our fiscal year 2022 gas tax on. Some of the roads to be included are sections of 222, 783, 1145 as well as 702.”  

In other business, the commission approved the following items: 

  • Resolution 2021-30 adopting Act 2011-676 making retirement contribution levels the same for all county employees regardless of tier status.  
  • Resolution 2021-31 authorized the filing of grant application for Alabama Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs funds for Stoney Lonesome OHV Park in the amount of $159,974.88 and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign all related documents.  
  • Resolution 2021-32 authorized the filing of grant application for Alabama Department of Economic Development and Community Affairs funds for Stoney Lonesome OHV Park in the amount of $365, 142.12 and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign all related documents.  

Resolutions 2021-31 and Resolution 2021-32 are adjustments to the totals approved at the commission’s July meeting.  

  • Approval of the same access plan for county roads on file from Rock the South for Save America PAC/Alabama “Trump” rally 
  • Approved new guidelines to allow for a person who has had “close contact exposure” and has been fully vaccinated to return to work without quarantine as long as they wear a mask.  
  • Ratified the purchase of two Takeuchi TB240 compact excavators from the HGAC Cooperative Bid in the amount of $45,623.00 each for the Cullman County Water Department.  
  • Chairman Clemons reappointed Kenneth Nail to the E-911 Board for a four-year term to expire 09/01/2025 
  • Commissioner Watson reappointed Keith Creel to the E-911 Board for a four-year term to expire 09/01/2025 
  • Reappointed Garry Marchman to the ACCA Legislative Committee 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign the 5311 Supplemental Agreement No. 1 between CARTS and ALDOT for FY 2022 
  • Changed the Longevity payout date from December – October.  
  • Approved the renewal of employee/retiree health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. Cullman County maintains a self-insured policy that is administered by Blue Cross. No change in funding levels or fees for FY 2022 
  • Approved the renewal of stop-loss insurance with UnityRe Inc./Gerber Life Insurance Company. No change in rates for FY 2022 
  • Authorized the Cullman County HR Manager in conjunction with department heads/elected officials, or their designee to create and /or revise county job descriptions to be reviewed by the County Administrator and the County Attorney.  
  • Approved the payment in the amount of $10,000 to Goodwin Mills and Caywood for solid waste study 
  • Approved the construction of a metal building at Sportsman’s Lake Park by Bulldog Steel Structures to be used as storage and park enhancement in the amount of $39,465.00, pending ADECA approval 
  • Awarded bid #1359 to Chambers American Products for two side arm mowing machines in the amount of $351,800.00 
  • Approved Direct Placement Warrants with Premier Bank in the amount of $351,800.00 for the purchase of Chamber American Products Inc. machines bid #1359 
  • Extended bid #1315 for pest control services to American Pest Control for one year 
  • Extended bid #1329 for the service of CCSO and other county vehicles to Havoline Xpress Lube for one year 
  • Approved plat Bryan Road Subdivision–a minor subdivision containing 21 lots located on County Road 1762 
  • Approved plat Bailey Road Subdivision–a minor subdivision containing three lots located on County Road 1721 
  • Approved plat Union Hill Subdivision–a minor subdivision containing 11 lots located at the intersection of County Road 504 and County Road 503 
  • Approved plat Atwater Landing Subdivision–a minor subdivision containing 5 lots located in Section 31, Township 12 South, Range 5 West 

The Cullman County Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room. The next meeting will be September 21, 2021.  

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