Outpouring of Public Support for CHS Principal, Vice Principal


CULLMAN –  Last week the community was stunned when Cullman High School Principal and Assistant Principal Dr. Elton Bouldin and Mark Stephens were arrested for third-degree criminal trespassing. The arrests stemmed from a parent of one of the school's students filing a report for an alleged trespassing incident and obtaining arrest warrants from the Cullman County Warrant Magistrate's Office.  Bouldin was also arrested for failure to report an incident of school violence to Cullman City Schools Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson. Both men turned themselves in, were processed and released in a short amount of time. The next day, both men were placed on administrative leave.

Although multiple sources claim the alleged incident involved Bouldin and Stephens being on the student's family's property without consent, official details will not be released until the public hearing takes place in the coming weeks.

Both men have been advised not to speak about details of the case until after the hearing. When reached for comment, Bouldin stated, "I am appreciative of the public support!"

Since the news broke of the arrests and subsequent leave, there has been an enormous outpouring of public support for the two educators on social media from current and former students, parents and others. Many are concerned that the pair will not be able to attend Cullman High's graduation ceremony on May 27, and most want to see the men cleared of any wrongdoing.


"I have had the opportunity to have Dr Elton Bouldin as my principal for 7 of the 9 years I have been a student in the Cullman City Schools system. When I moved from a tiny school to a huge school, he treated me like his own, helping me adjust and helping me catch up on my work. When I got to high school, nothing changed, he still cared just as much and wanted to know us each individually so he could help us out in any way possible. Now that graduation is upon us, and things are skewed, I along with many of my fellow classmates are praying and hoping that Dr Bouldin will be the one to give us our diplomas. He is someone who has encouraged, someone who has put in extra work just for one student to succeed, and someone who genuinely cares for every student at Cullman High. I believe the duties of graduation belong to Dr. B. We love you!!" Treyla Rasco via Facebook


"I support the reinstatement of Dr. Elton Bouldin and Mr. Mark Stephens to their respective leadership positions at Cullman High School immediately. I encourage Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson and members of the Board of Education {Steve Sides, Suzanne Harbin, Kim Addison, Brenda Howell and Jason Neal} to act quickly so that these gentlemen may get back to work doing what they love.

The motto of the Cullman City School system is "Inspiring students for lifelong success through character, citizenship, and scholarship". Dr. Bouldin is a living example of these 3 qualities. His character and integrity are beyond question and above reproach. A man who has worked many years to excel in all areas of education should not be removed from his leadership position due to an accusation that he is unable to address until almost 2 months after the fact. Given the current schedule, he will be unable to defend himself until after the CHS Class of 2016 graduates. This is not fair to this year's Senior Class or to Dr. Bouldin and Mr. Stephens.

Dr. Bouldin is an example of a school principal who goes above and beyond his job description or required duties to support all students at Cullman High School. I have no idea how many extra hours he devotes to his job, but I do know he gives an enormous amount of time and effort to his school. He is seen at countless extracurricular activities and sporting events, always taking pictures and posting to social media because he is so proud of the achievements of the his students. Children today need affirmation more than ever before and Dr. Bouldin makes sure they receive that under his watch. His weekly newsletter is filled with the achievements of his students. I have seen Dr. Bouldin mourn with the student body when 3 members of the Class of 2015 were lost. I have seen Dr. Bouldin celebrate with students who won competitions, tournaments & games. He is more than "just a principal" who sits at a desk and shuffles papers. He is INVOLVED DAILY with student body of Cullman High School.

At last week's Honors Assembly, with Dr. Susan Patterson in attendance, Dr. Bouldin was proud to announce yet another feather in the cap of Cullman High School. He had just be notified the night prior that CHS ranks as the 18th best high school in the State of Alabama, according the US News & World Report. That was only the latest in the string of accomplishments including

Washington Post – America’s Most Challenging High Schools 2015
Newsweek – America’s Best High Schools 2014, 2013
Niche – Alabama’s Top Twenty High Schools 2016, 2015
SchoolDigger – Alabama’s Top Twenty High Schools 2015, 2014, 2013

All of these accolades and accomplishments have occurred during Dr. Bouldin's tenure at Cullman High School. Rather than taking the credit himself, he ALWAYS thanks the wonderful faculty, staff and students who make these recognitions possible.

Dr. Bouldin was at the helm during the recent renovations of Cullman High School. As with most constructions jobs, there were challenges. Not only was Dr. Bouldin doing his job as principal, he also worked closely with the architect, design firms, contractors, etc. to make sure that CHS would a star in the crown of the Cullman City School system. Again….countless hours of time put in by a man who loves his school.

I encourage anyone who agrees with me to please contact Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson and each member of the school board; Steve Sides, Suzanne Harbin, Kim Addison, Brenda Howell and Jason Neal, to express your support for Dr. Bouldin and for Mr. Stephens. This is a disruption not only to the end of the school year but to the careers of these two gentlemen. If they are not allowed to be at graduation on May 27, then it will also be a disservice to the Cullman High School Class of 2016.

I am 1984 graduate of Cullman High School, wife of a member of the Class of 1985, daughter of a member of the Class of 1953, sister of a member of the Class of 1973 and mother of a member of the Class of 2016. Cullman High School has always held a special place in my heart. When daughter graduates on May 27, it is only fitting that Elton Bouldin be the man to shake her hand an give her the diploma that she has worked so hard to earn." Pam Binkowski via Facebook


"I encourage a rapid closure in the case that has two of the administrators of CHS "on leave", and banded from the campus, where they serve the facility and most important, the students of CHS.

I know very little about this case, but I do have some knowledge of our legal system. A rapid closure is possible. They can be returned tomorrow, if desired.

I had the privilege of working with Dr. Elton Bouldin over several years, prior to my recent retirement. He is a leader, a great man, and he understands "service". He serves with humility and love for the students. We did not agree on everything…but each time we worked together, I walked away with my respect for him increasing.

I'm committed to praying for the superintendent of education and each board member, as they make the crucial decision of the future of each student at CHS." Craig Green via Facebook


"The Cullman City School Board needs to hear from you. They want to do the right thing in representing us -the parents, students, and concerned citizens of this community. They are receiving guidance from the board attorney. But the decision is theirs. And as our elected representatives, they need to hear from us. Let's respectfully encourage them to get Dr Elton Bouldin and Mr Mark Stephens back to school immediately. There is no policy or law that says they need to be on administrative leave. The accusations against them are unsubstantiated and misdemeanor charges are not investigated by law enforcement officers. Dr Patterson can impose the leave for as long as she wishes, or cancel the leave at any time. And if you are like me and believe our school is better and safer with our administrators there, you need to take action.
These are our school board members:
Kim Durham Addison, Brenda Bonds Howell, Jason Neal, Suzanne Harbin, Steve Sides.
Let's be prayerful and respectful in our communication as we encourage them to represent us well."
Julie Fillinger via Facebook


"I have had the pleasure of watching my youngest son JonLuke grow and achieve so much since he transferred to CHS in his freshman year. He has been allowed to have a world class education along with expanding his talents with the help and encouragement that Cullman High administration and staff have provided through the last four years.

We would be heartbroken if Dr Elton Bouldin and Mark Stephens are not at the school or at graduation. JonLuke is leaving Cullman High and going on to UAH with a 100% academic scholarship as well as having already earned 11 college credit hours through AP courses he has taken at Cullman.

Greatness is achieved when good people come together with a common goal and an expectation of excellence that is set by the leadership. Dr Bouldin has such a caring heart as does Mr Stephens and in my opinion have provided that type of leadership which carries down to the staff and students to allow them to achieve that goal of greatness!" Laura York Long via Facebook


"These two men here, are great men. I have been in the Cullman City School system for 13 years almost now. Dr.Bouldin and Mr. Stephens are more than wonderful. I just hope that on May 27, 2016, I will get to shake their hands as we the class of 2016 go off into the world. I just wanna thank them for everything that they have done to make Cullman High School one of the best!:) We can't wait to see the both of yall soon! We miss you." Laura Hood via Facebook


"The end of the year festivities are upon us and I am saddened of the thought that there may be some empty chairs at these events. The people in the community need to be reminded of the men that have not only led the school to great achievement but also held the hand of grieving parents, sat in the hospital and prayed alongside students and parents for the fate of children, paid for a coworkers medical bill and emptied their wallets to pay school fees for students without recognition. You two are classy men and I pray that you will be there to nurture my children when they get to CHS." Leeanna Smith via Facebook


The night the arrests became public, April 20, Bouldin released the following statement:

Today the parent of a CHS student obtained two misdemeanor warrants from the Cullman County Sheriff Department.  One warrant alleges Criminal Trespass 3rd degree against Principal Dr. Elton Bouldin and Assistant Principal Mark Stephens.  The second warrant alleges Dr. Bouldin failed to report an incident of school violence to Superintendent Dr. Susan Patterson.  The accusations are not true.  However, misdemeanor warrants do not allow those accused an opportunity to respond to the charges prior to the court hearing.  Mr. Stephens and I look forward to our opportunity to provide accurate information on these two alleged incidences.