Alabama Operation Lifesaver Announces Railroad Safety Annual Report and 40-City Rail Safety Tour

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ALDOT Drive Safe Alabama

Pictured left to right: Sgt. Steve Jarrett, ALEA; Allison Green, ALDOT; Nancy Hudson, Alabama Operation Lifesaver; Alabama Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa


MONTGOMERY – Vehicle-train collisions, deaths and injuries at railroad crossings have dropped significantly over the last 40 years in Alabama. To continue its work to improve rail safety and celebrate its 40th anniversary, Alabama Operation Lifesaver and its safety partners today announced a 40-city rail safety tour.

Although the exact date has not been announced yet, the tour is set to stop in Cullman sometime in August.

During a press conference at the Union Station Train Shed in Montgomery, Operation Lifesaver also announced the 2015 railroad related fatality and injury numbers. Alabama Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, and officials from the Alabama Department of Transportation and Alabama Law Enforcement Agency spoke about their roles working with Operation Lifesaver to reduce the number of motor vehicle-train collisions and trespassing incidents.

“Operation Lifesaver and its safety partners are celebrating the improvement in safety we are seeing around railroad tracks and trains in Alabama,” said Nancy Hudson, Alabama Operation Lifesaver executive director. “At the same time we recognize that Alabama still ranks among the top states in the nation in the number of motor vehicle-train and trespassing incidents.”

Preliminary Federal Railroad Administration statistics show Alabama had 90 collisions resulting in five fatalities and 34 injuries during 2015.  These statistics rank Alabama as number six in the nation for collisions and number 14 for fatalities.

“In my position as chair of the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee, I have the opportunity to shepherd and support legislation each session designed to strengthen Alabama’s infrastructure to the benefit of our citizens and businesses,” said Allen. “I commend Alabama Operation Lifesaver and the Alabama Department of Transportation for their commitment to public safety and preventing tragedy on and around the railroad.”

Taking its message on the road, Operation Lifesaver is offering free safety education activities to raise public awareness about the dangers near railroad tracks and trains in Alabama.  The first stop on its 40-city rail safety tour will be Alexander City on April 19.

“ALDOT is committed to reversing the troubling trend we see in vehicle-train collisions in Alabama,” said Allison Green, Drive Safe Alabama coordinator with ALDOT.  “We are pleased to join Operation Lifesaver on its 40-city tour to take every opportunity, in every community, to end these very preventable incidents and save lives.”

For more information on Operation Lifesaver, visit

For more information about Drive Safe Alabama, visit