Cullman Regional continues to require masks for all entering the facility

(Photo courtesy of CRMC) 

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman Regional Medical Center announced Friday, April 9 that they will continue to require anyone entering the medical center to wear a mask. This announcement comes after Governor Ivey announced that the Alabama Statewide Mask Mandate Order will expire Friday, April 9 at 5 p.m.   

 “Out of an abundance of caution, Cullman Regional will continue to require visitors, patients and staff in the facility to wear a mask in accordance with current CDC recommendations for health care facilities,” said Cullman Regional Chief Medical Officer William Smith, MD.  

 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that health care facilities continue to follow routine infection prevention and control practices including: 

  • Limiting gathering in waiting rooms and keeping patients at least 6 feet apart
  • Implementing universal source control measures, including masks
  • Requiring handwashing or hand sanitizing before entering the facility and before entering or exiting patient rooms
  • Symptom screening before entering the facility
  • Limiting points of entry for facilities
  • Continued isolation of infected patients
  • Limiting the number of visitors

 As of Friday, April 9, Cullman County has seen 100 positive COVID-19 cases over the past 14 days. However, Cullman Regional currently has nine positive COVID-19 patients in the facility, including four in critical care and three on ventilators.  

 “Although the community spread seems much lower than in previous months, Cullman Regional’s ICU is currently at 136% capacity and we’ve had to create additional overflow areas in order to accommodate all of our critically-ill patients,” Dr. Smith said. “We must remain cautious in order to protect our patients and staff.” 

 Current Cullman Regional visitation includes: 

  • No more than two visitors at a time per room.
  • All visitors must wear a mask. 
  • No visitors under the age of 16, even when an adult is with them; but with exceptions for extraordinary circumstances which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Visitors will be required to sanitize hands when entering the hospital and when entering and exiting any patient rooms. 
  • Anyone who has a fever, cough, body aches or sore throat will not be allowed to enter the facility unless they are seeking treatment. 

 For more information on Cullman Regional, the services provided or for local COVID-19 resources, visit