Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932


From the files of 1902:

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Crider, formerly of Loretto, now of Jefferson County, were visiting friends here last week.

Mrs. Casper Arnold, 58, died in a Birmingham hospital on November 12, following two operations.

Married Wednesday were Miss Jennie Burnum and D.W. McGlathery.

C.C. Connally enjoys the distinction of having killed the first and only white squirrel ever seen in this country.

W.B. Stubbs, S.R. Young, A.M. Kilpatrick, J.M. Blanton, F.S. Swan and L.A. Moon are new subscribers to the Tribune.

Mrs. W.B. Caudell is visiting her father at Mt. Airy, Georgia.

Two bales of cotton were stolen from J.C. Quick on Thursday night.

Johnnie Preiss is now behind the counter at Frank Arndt’s.

Don’t forget the Fireman’s Ball on November 27th.

James K. Polk Nix, of Logan, was here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Quattlebaum are all smiles over a new daughter at their house.

W.T. Lee has purchased the Lenard Phillips farm near Fontella.

Joseph Walker has sold his place at Malaby to M. Adams and he in turn has sold it to Cicero Woods.

Joe Creel, 80, was buried at Leander on Tuesday.

John Wise is building houses for Bill Johnson near Bremen.

George Tubbs has returned from Arkansas.

Professor Calvin Speegle has been elected to teach the Logan College for the winter term.

D.O. McKoy has returned from Jasper, where he went on business.


From the files of 1932:

Chester Harvey Clark, 80, the last charter member of the Masonic Lodge here, died Wednesday morning.

The Cullman Fox Hunters held their annual convention at John Hasenbein’s last Thursday.

Marriage licenses were issued to Robin M. Gross and Miss Delma Hesterley.

Contestants for the title, “Miss Holly Pond” are Olivia Barnes, Opal Burgess and Mary James Taylor.

Mamie Smith has the honor of making the highest grades at Dowling for the past month.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Newman and little son, James Dudley, spent Friday in Birmingham.

Mrs. Conrad Roden and little son, Steve, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.S. Roden.

Miss Thelma Stewart of Hanceville was the weekend guest of Miss Mavis Gammon.

Carl Stiefemeyer, of Birmingham Southern, spent the weekend at home.

Feryl Martin was hostess to members of Junior Study Circle on Friday afternoon.


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