Results are in…13th Annual Empty Bowls Chili Dinner Saw Best Year Yet!

Sharon Schuler Kreps
Each dollar will buy 7 lbs. of food, so the food bank will be able to purchase 107,576 lbs. of food from the proceeds. That equates to over 53 tons of food for people in need!”
Tanya Shearer, Empty Bowls of Cullman County

CULLMAN – Despite the rainy, nasty weather, the people of Cullman turned out in droves for the 13th Annual Empty Bowls Chili Dinner on Monday, Feb.15, and as a result, the event saw its best year yet. The dinner, which was held at Cullman First United Methodist Church, raised a total of $15,368 for the Cullman Caring for Kids United Way Food Bank. Over the event’s 13 years, a total of $131,468 has been raised.

“We praise and thank God for this wonderful blessing,” said Tanya Shearer of Empty Bowls of Cullman County. “We are grateful for the community's support and the giving of your gifts and talents to make this wonderful night possible!

“Each dollar will buy 7 lbs. of food,” she continued, “so the food bank will be able to purchase 107,576 lbs. of food from the proceeds. That equates to over 53 tons of food for people in need!”

The annual Empty Bowls Dinner is great fun and features delicious chili, which is served in beautifully handcrafted pottery bowls. There is a silent auction and southern gospel music by local entertainers as well. It is a wonderful way for the community to work together to put an end to hunger for those less fortunate right here in Cullman County.

For more information, call Cullman Caring for Kids at 256-739-1111 or email them at Find Empty Bowls of Cullman County on Facebook at

For details of February’s event, visit