Cullman High switching to hybrid class model due to COVID-19

Cullman High School (Tribune file photo)

CULLMAN, Ala. -Cullman High School on Sunday announced it is switching to a hybrid class model beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8, through Friday, Oct. 2 due to the number of individuals in quarantine because of COVID-19.

An exact number of students and/or faculty and staff with positive cases or in quarantine was not provided.

In an email to families, Principal Kim Hall said, “Due to cases of COVID among CHS students and families and increased exposure on campus, we believe it is necessary to amend our schedule to a hybrid format at this time. Our students must change classes multiple time a day. We have made many adjustments to do our best to mitigate the spread of the virus. With 50% student capacity on campus, we can ensure social distancing in our classrooms to maintain 6-foot distance among students. Many students are having to quarantine due to the protocol laid out by the ADPH (Alabama Department of Public Health) stating that individuals in close proximity (6 feet for more than 15 minutes) of an infected individual must be quarantined. According to the ADPH, individuals in close proximity of the infected individual must quarantine if they were within that range 48 hours prior to the infected individual’s symptoms. By ensuring that students are 6 feet apart, which will be possible with smaller class sizes, only the possibly infected student will have to be sent home and not the several they are sitting in close proximity.”

Hall said the administration will continue to monitor the situation carefully and make adjustments as needed.

Following the hybrid model this week, Group A (students with last names beginning with A-K) will attend in-person classes Tuesday and Wednesday, and Group B (students with last names beginning with L-Z) will attend in-person Thursday and Friday. Beginning Monday, Sept. 14, Group A will attend in-person Monday and Tuesday, and Group B will attend in-person Thursday and Friday, with all students learning remotely Wednesdays. Students not scheduled to be at school on their remote days must participate in the class Google Meets at the designated times and complete daily assignments on Schoology in order to be counted in attendance for the day.

“We will follow this hybrid schedule until Oct. 2,” said Hall. “We will continue to monitor the situation in an effort to provide for the education and safety of our students.”

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