ALDOT halts construction on interstates for Labor Day holiday


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – To accommodate expected higher traffic volume during the Labor Day holiday weekend and for the safety of the traveling public and roadway workers, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) will have no temporary lane closures on Alabama interstates after noon Friday, Sept. 4 through midnight Monday, Sept. 7.

Alabama’s rest areas and welcome centers are open to the public. ALDOT asks travelers to practice social distancing and follow the public health guidelines set forth by state and local agencies, as well as act courteously to fellow travelers.

Holiday driving tips

  1. Don’t drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

People are seven times more likely to die in a crash when the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as shown in ALDOT crash reports. Designating a sober driver before drinking is key to preventing these deadly crashes.

  1. Wear your seat belt, in both front and rear seats.

Alabama law now requires all occupants of a vehicle to wear a seat belt.

Surviving a crash is much more likely when wearing a seat belt. Latest stats from Drive Safe Alabama show that almost 60 percent of people dying in crashes on Alabama highways are not wearing a seat belt.

More safe driving tips are available on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook page.

Motorists planning their holiday travel route can find Alabama traffic and road condition information at or by downloading the ALGO Traffic app available in the Apple App Store and on Google Play. ALDOT asks motorists to use ALGO Traffic responsibly. Drivers should never text, tweet or use a mobile device while operating a vehicle.