Census Day of Action for Alabama Businesses set for Aug. 12

'‘Drop Everything, Get Counted’ Day encourages business leaders to designate time during the work day for Census participation

Photo from the U.S. Census Bureau

MONTGOMERY, Ala.— The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) and Alabama Counts! — in partnership with the Business Council of Alabama (BCA), Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama (CCAA) and the National Federation of Independent Business, Alabama Chapter (NFIB) — announced Thursday that Wednesday, Aug. 12, will serve as the Census Day of Action for Alabama Businesses.

Dubbed “Drop Everything, Get Counted” Day, businesses owners, CEOs and upper management are asked to provide opportunities for all employees to set aside time to participate in the Census if they have not done so already.

“We are encouraging businesses around the state to give employees a break in the workday to fill out their Census forms — whether online, by phone or by traditional paper form,” said Kenneth Boswell, Alabama Counts! chairman and ADECA director. “It should take each person roughly six minutes, but these six minutes are vital to Alabama’s future.”

If Alabama’s count falls shy of the 72% participation rate recorded in the 2010 Census, the state would experience reduced representation in Congress, the loss of millions of dollars in Census-derived community funding and reduced economic development opportunities.

Currently, Alabama stands at a 60.6% response rate.

“The Census is vital to the wellbeing of our state and its people,” said Katie Boyd Britt, president and CEO of BCA. “We are thrilled to participate in ‘Drop Everything and Get Counted’ Day of action, working to ensure Alabama’s workforce is counted and our state receives the full benefit of an accurate count.”

“Local chambers of commerce are a proud partner for the upcoming ‘Drop Everything, Get Counted’ Business Census Day on Aug. 12,” said Jeremy Arthur, president and CEO of CCAA. “Alabama chambers represent over 60,000 businesses that collectively employee over 1 million working Alabamians every day. Just as those businesses are vital to our state’s economy, they are also essential partners to help us ensure a complete census count. Alabama’s business community will show just how important completing your census is by making sure every Alabama worker gets counted.”

In addition to allowing employees’ time to take their Census, business owners are encouraged to be creative in their methods to promote “Drop Everything, Get Counted” Day and ensure they see a 100% staff participation rate.

“This can be a unique and engaging exercise for companies of all sizes, whether it is a competition between departments or a 30-minute Census-only time slot designated for participation,” added Boswell. “No matter the method, we are calling on all leaders to do all they can to move Alabama forward and across the finish line.”

The last day to take part in the 2020 Census is Sept. 30. Alabamians can participate in the 10- question Census online at my2020Census.gov, by phone at 1-844-330-2020 or by traditional paper form. Any information given in the 2020 Census is protected by strict federal law.

“Drop Everything, Get Counted” Day coincides with the week that U.S. Census Bureau workers will begin following up with Alabama households that have not yet self-responded to the 2020 Census. The workers are equipped with personal protective gear and have been trained to maintain social distance and to adhere to state and local safety guidelines. Workers will begin visits the week of Aug. 11 and continue until Sept. 30. Alabamians who wish to avoid a visit are advised to self-participate in the 2020 Census.

For more information and free digital items to promote the census and “Drop Everything, Get Counted” Day, please visit www.alabama2020census.com.