Alabama Historical Commission announces 2021 Grant Program

(Cullman Tribune file photo)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. –  The Alabama Historical Commission (AHC), the State Historic Preservation Office, has opened its 2021 Grant Program with funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature. Historic sites meeting the eligibility can submit applications now through Aug.21, 2020.

AHC will administer a $1.075 million Grant Program with funds appropriated by the Alabama Legislature in the 2021 Fiscal Year (Oct. 1, 2020 – Sept. 30, 2021), for improvements as well as educational programming at historic sites in Alabama.

Grants will be awarded to public or nonprofit entities who own and operate historic sites in Alabama, reflect an education-based mission, concentrate on educational programming, and reflect the geographical diversity of the state.  Grants will not be awarded to any entity receiving funding directly or indirectly from the Education Trust Fund or the General Fund. Grants will also not be awarded to any private or for-profit business or organization. Amounts will not exceed $30,000 for any one entity.

Preference will be given to properties built before 1840 that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, historic school structures, and properties built before 1943 that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

“Last fiscal year, the Capital Enhancements Grant Program helped to facilitate several types of improvements, including roof replacements, window restorations, and exterior painting,” said Lisa D. Jones, executive director of the Alabama Historical Commission. “The goal of the 2021 grant program is to assist historic sites throughout Alabama with both improvements as well as educational programming, which will help preserve them for future generations. Thank you to the Alabama Legislature for funding this much needed grant program to help preserve Alabama’s historic sites.”

The AHC’s 2020 Grant Program was very successful – more than $2 million were requested from the $900,000 appropriated funds.

Grant application guidelines are available on the AHC website.  Applicants must complete an official 2021 Historic Sites Grant application available on the AHC website. Visit, click on Resources, Grants21.

Applications must be hand-delivered or mailed to Renee Fuller, Contracts and Grants, Alabama Historical Commission, by Aug. 21, 2020. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. AHC will announce the grant awards in October 2020. All grant guidelines and details about eligibility can be found on the AHC website.

To learn more about the AHC, visit