Anonymous patriot promotes value of all people, respect for American flag

The anonymous patriot stood out from the summer evening crowd with his sauna suit and flag. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – On Monday evening, The Tribune encountered a distinct-looking gentleman out for a walk in Cullman, dressed in a “sauna suit” in the summer warmth and carrying an American flag on a staff. He declined to give his name, but did share when asked that he is a Marine Corps veteran, and described his mission to promote the equal value of all people in a land of opportunity, under the banner of “One Nation under God.”

The patriot told The Tribune, “Way things are right now, it’s just crazy. You know, I grew up with a little Bible song: Jesus made all the little children of the world, red and yellow, black and white. And we’re all human; that’s all that matters. We’re all His.”

Of the flag over his shoulder, the patriot shared, “These colors: they do not run and they do not kneel under any circumstance. Kneel to Christ, and that’s it, the only circumstance. There’s too many people that really aggravates me: the NFL and the high-paid sports players. They could kneel before, after, any time, any time, but they pick (to do so) during the national anthem.

“There’s too many people out in these cemeteries that spilt their blood for them to have the right to make millions playing ball, for these little kids out here to play their sports, for us to go to work. Man, you know, you can’t never forget that, can never forget that. This is not worth sacrificing anything for.

“We live in a country that- there is no other. There’s no oppressing: people can go and do what they want. It doesn’t matter. You can be as low as you want or as high as you want; it’s all up to you. How bad do you want it?

“So that’s just my point, sir, my point of view.”

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W.C. Mann