Cullman County Commission talks retirement benefits

The Cullman County Commission (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission at its Tuesday morning meeting passed a resolution to adopt ACT 2019-132 to provide Tier I retirement benefits to Tier II plan members. The passage of ACT 2019-132 last year by the state legislature allows local employers that participate in the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) to provide Tier I retirement benefits to their Tier II members.

Cullman County Human Resources Manager Judy Bradford explained, “There’s a portion of that act that requires those employers who have not raised the Tier I-member contribution from 5% to 7.5%, you have to have a plan in place to do that.”

The plan will need to be approved by the Employees’ Retirement System Board. If approved, changes will go into effect Oct.1, 2020.

The resolution passed Tuesday makes the change for Tier II members and allows the plan addressing the change in contributions to be submitted. The financial impact of providing Tier I benefits to Tier II members is expected to be a cost savings of $223,897 to the County.

Garry Marchman announced Tuesday morning that Cullman Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) post will now be overseeing applications for memorial bricks purchased for Cullman Veterans Memorial Park. The cost of a brick is $50.

“I don’t have all the details about it right now, but in the near future I hope to have all the details about anybody that wants bricks put in the Veterans Park,” Marchman said.  

Revenue Commissioner Barry Willingham will soon be enhancing security at the County’s satellite offices beginning with the office in Dodge City.

He told the commission, “It’s going to be under $5,000 for each location. We’ve got cameras up but have security, panic buttons, and mag locks for the doors will allow a little bit more secure office.”

In other business:

A 2002 Sun Tracker pontoon surplussed from the sheriff’s office at the May 27, 2020 commission meeting will now be donated to the Cullman County Association of Volunteer Fire Departments instead of being sold on GovDeals.

The commission also:

  • Passed Resolution 2020-28 authorizing Chairman Kenneth Walker to submit and sign any and all related documents on the behalf of the Cullman County Commission in regard to a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Commission on Aging.
  • Approved the purchase of Office 365 for County offices.
  • Authorized white vinyl fencing to be installed by Parris Fence Company at the New-Canaan Community Center for $6,868.64.
  • Ratified payment for electronic monitoring for juveniles.
  • Approved proposed plat for Kingfisher subdivision containing 285 lots. It is a major subdivision with Phase 1 containing 158 lots, Phase 2 containing 73 lots and Phase 3 containing 54 lots. The subdivision will be located off of County Road 1616 in District 3.


The next Cullman County Commission meeting will be Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 10 a.m. in the commission meeting room at the Cullman County Courthouse.

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