Files from Yesteryear: 1902, 1932


From the Files of 1902:

J.W. Arnett has sold his farm at Joppa and will leave in a few days for Louisiana.

Reverend J.E. Creel preached at Welti on Sunday.

Reverend J.L. Roberson entertained a group at Malaby on October 23 with his magic lantern show. Mr. Roberson donated liberally to the school from the proceeds.

J.A. Powell will teach school at Midway this winter.

Joshua Lee of the Magic City visited in Cullman Thursday.

Mrs. F.M. Hamilton is ill.

Joseph Carter left Thursday for a visit to his old home near Villa Rica, Georgia.

Raus, of Chicago, who owns a farm in section 13, has just shipped to Dave Smith a stump puller of his own manufacture.

Will Schneider is now Chief Marshall.

George Bird, of Clifty lost $5 while in town last week.

Charley Richard, who attends college in Blountsville is visiting his parents.

Fasinators, beautiful, either wool or silk. Any price from 15 cents to $2.50.

C.A. Stiefelmeyer. Adv.

The first killing frost of the season occurred in Cullman this week.

From the Files of 1932:

The Kiwanis Club, which observed its eleventh birthday in April, honored the charter members at the meeting this week.

Miss Annie Lola Price is recovering from the flu.

Fire damaged the interior and furniture of the A.A. Giles residence on Saturday morning.

Delegates to the P.T.A. Convention in Birmingham this week were Mesdames

R.P. Johnston, Virgil Collins, George Stiefelmeyer, Adam Turner, Herman Buettner and Henry Meyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Henslee and family left Wednesday for Arizona, where they will reside.

Claude Thigpen, of Hanceville, is a patient at City Hospital.

Mrs. C.C. Scheduing spent last week in Cincinnati.

Ladies shoes in all the latest styles.

$1.25 per pair. Cullman Shoe Hospital. Adv.

The Bearcats bowed to Decatur, 8-0 in a hard fought battle on Friday afternoon.

Senior I Class officers at Cullman High are Rugh Ehrensperger, President; Georg Stiefelmeyer, Vice-President; Esther Meyer, Secretary; Kermit Weaver, Treasurer; Agnes Keller, Cheer Leader and Grace Wunderlich, Reporter.

The B.P.W. enjoyed a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Bess Morrow this week.

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