Oh, baby! Cullman Police Department family grows by 12 in 2019

CPD babies at the department Christmas party, left to right: Jennifer Potts, Olivia Potts (child), Officer Hunter Potts with baby Owen, Officer Kyle Foshee with baby Clara Jane, Officer Jonathan England and Dispatcher Taylor Perkins with baby Jensen Noah, Jasmine Pounders with baby Jaycen Ellison Cole and Officer Zane Pounders, Hannah Higginbotham and John David Higginbotham (child), Sgt. Trey Higginbotham with baby Elijah Finn, Officer Jake Lambert with baby Truett, Emily Sims with baby Mabri, Sgt. Scott Sanford with baby Lane Wyatt (Photo courtesy of Cullman Police Department)

CULLMAN, Ala. – At its annual Christmas party, the Cullman Police Department had a lot to celebrate, as officers’ families showed up with baby after baby. In all, the CPD family has seen 12 births in the last year, with two more on the way soon. According to a note from the CPD, the additions include:

  • Officer Hunter Potts’ Owen
  • Officer Kyle Foshee’s Clara Jane
  • Officer Jonathan England and Dispatcher Taylor Perkins’ Jensen Noah
  • Officer Zane Pounders’ Jaycen Ellison Cole
  • Sgt. Trey Higginbotham’s Elijah Finn
  • Officer Jake Lambert and Emily Sims’ Truett and Mabri
  • Sgt. Scott Sanford’s Lane Wyatt
  • Officer Adam Dean’s Travis 
  • Officer Chris Steele’s Hasley 
  • Officer Justin Hollingsworth’s Clinton Knox 
  • Officer Bill Pagan’s Jeremiah Van Judah 


Stayed tuned, more to come!

Two other CPD families are expecting soon:

  • Sgt. Intae Suh and Brandi Suh 
  • Officer Matt Hollingsworth and Shacara Hollingsworth 


CPD Chief Kenny Culpepper told The Tribune, “It’s always encouraging to see the babies in the department when we have our Christmas party. The families of the officers are the forgotten ones, and it’s really tough being a law enforcement family. At Christmas time when all the family comes to the Christmas party, and we get to see all the children, and especially the newborn babies, then it gives us such an appreciation for the families.”

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W.C. Mann
