Cullman Police Department promotes Trey Higginbotham to sergeant

New Cullman Police Sgt. Trey Higginbotham and family celebrate his promotion with Chief Kenny Culpepper and Councilman Andy Page at Monday’s Cullman City Council meeting. (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – At Monday evening’s Cullman City Council meeting, Councilman Andy Page, chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Police Chief Kenny Culpepper and Assistant Chief Craig Montgomery presented Cullman Police Department Officer Trey Higginbotham his new badge and officially promoted him to the rank of sergeant.

Higginbotham came forward to receive the honor in front of his family and multiple fellow officers in attendance. He has earned the rank in less than five years with the department, though Montgomery told the audience that such a promotion typically takes at least 10 years.

Page presented Higginbotham his certificate, and Culpepper pinned on his new badge.

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W.C. Mann