Thousands flock to Smith Lake for food, fun, and fireworks

Photo by Heather Mann for The Cullman Tribune

SMITH LAKE – Despite the heat and humidity, Smith Lake Park once again saw a crowd of thousands throughout its annual Fireworks and Music Festival.

The festival featured all-day live entertainment from artists Donny James, Trey Lewis, Ben Myrick, Matt Bennet, Justin Holt, and Christian Gann, as well as contests like a Pepsi chugging competition (for both kids and adults) and their annual patriotic golf cart parade and decorating competition. The best-decorated golf cart was chosen by a panel of four volunteer judges and received a free night of RV camping in the park.

As part of the festivities, cadets from Camp Liberty’s Extreme Military Challenge summer camp presented both the American flag and the Extreme Military Challenge flag during the national anthem. 

Park manager Brittney Heron stated that she felt the festival had been very successful, and estimated that the park saw at least five thousand visitors – at $5 per person, admission charges brought in could exceed $25,000 – who were not deterred by the early afternoon rain showers.

Upcoming events at Smith Lake will be the Sweet Tater Festival on September 1st and 2nd, and Tricks & Treats in the Park on October 26th.

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