Tips for Back to School Success


July is coming to a close and with August on the horizon, back to school shopping and prepping is nearly upon us. It is a bittersweet time for parents as their little ones are preparing to enter school for the first time or are going back after a summer of fun. It can also be a stressful time, and it is with that in mind that this article is offering a few tips on how to make this back to school season a little easier.


For this reporter, the hardest part of preparing for my son to get back into a school routine is the sleep schedule. Children of all ages need a solid sleep schedule to keep their minds and bodies in prime condition to learn. This is not only true for children, but parents as well. So this year, start the school routine two to four weeks ahead of time. Start waking yourselves up at school time and going to bed earlier now, and that first morning of school is sure to be a breeze.


Another big part of getting the kids ready for school is clothes shopping. While younger kids are not concerned with fashion, older children tend to want the latest styles. Consider taking advantage of our towns numerous and amazing consignment shops. Shops like Bubble Gum & Blue Jeans and Better than Before offer designer clothes at affordable pricing. It is a great way to get the clothes your kids want without breaking the bank.


When it comes to school supplies, shopping the sales is essential. Notebooks and pencils are cheap on their own, but when added up with all of the other supplies, things can get pretty pricey. This is why watching out for coupons and specials from now until school time is the best plan. For even bigger savings, save your coupons, and do all of your shopping on tax-free weekend. This year’s tax free weekend will be August 1-3. Yes, it will be crowded but the extra savings will be well worth the effort.


Lastly, make sure to minimize your own stresses for the first week back to school. Consider making a week’s worth of freezer meals to lighten your after school load. Clean and organize problem areas in your home so that new backpacks, books, etc. are not adding to the clutter. Remember an organized home is a happy home.


It is my hope that these tips will help you and yours have a happy and exciting back to school week. There are plenty more things to do in preparation for school, but let this be a jumping point to get your mindset back on the education track.