Hanceville Holds May City Council Meeting


HANCEVILLE – A regular Hanceville City Council meeting was held Thursday, May 29 in the Hanceville City Hall at 7 p.m. The meeting began with prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and roll call. No one came forward to add anything to the agenda and nothing was changed about the agenda. The May 15 Council meeting minutes were approved.

A video was shown viewing Hanceville Police body and car cameras. Bob Long, Hanceville Chief of Police, presented the request for the purchase of two car cameras.  The purchase was granted under the condition the price of each camera would be under $4,200 per camera. They will come from money set aside in the budget. 

A request came from Sandy Waters for the use of a room for the Knapsacks for Kids program they are trying to bring to Hanceville School.  She also asked permission for the use of a room to hold a Knapsacks for Kids meeting June 9 at 9 a.m. The council granted both requests.

Mayor Kenneth Nail discussed something they bid on. It had extended the base bid they had originally decided on though and had to wait to continue with it.

He talked to DOT and Johnny Harris, the engineer. The road owned by Mr. Chandler was discussed. Nothing was settled.

They discussed the issue of animal control, but did not come up with any ideas on fixing the problem of odor and strays.

The police chief announced there will be a third Ladies Firearm class due to the amount of women registered. 

A total of 90 women registered, with 13 on the waiting list. 

The Fire Department is finishing up the four-month long 160 class.

There will be a graduation for the 20 hard working participants.

Jeffery A. Pruitt, executive directive of North Alabama Regional Council of Government, notified the council of two meetings coming up in Cullman County. The first is on June 4 at the Agriplex and will address transportation issues.

The second is June 6 concerning commercial bankers. 

Jeffery Pruitt explained what NARCOG is, “On one side there are services for the elderly and disabled and on the other side it is services we provide to the community, regional planning and economic development. The two things I would like to make you aware of is a new one, we call it the aging and disability resource center. For instance, do you know someone or have a relative who is elderly that needs help, but you don’t know what they need. Call us and we have people on staff who are trained to help you, whether we provide the services or we direct you to someone that does. The second thing is the business lending program.”