Daystar Church Offers ‘Real Recovery’ for Those with Addictions


GOOD HOPE – Daystar Church, located in Good Hope, has a program that offers help for a special group of people in the community. The ‘Real Recovery’ program offers a place where folks can gather together and support each other as they travel the long road to recovery.


“We believe drugs, alcohol or whatever obsessive compulsive behavior is only the symptoms of the real issue,” explains Lois Gatlin, Real Recovery counselor. “We love, support and pray for each other while learning to live life on life’s terms without having to act out on our compulsive behaviors that cause us and the ones we love so much hurt.”


Gatlin puts 100 percent of herself into the Real Recovery program. The urge to help others overcome their addictions has become her calling in life.


“My husband and I are both in recovery. I have 9 years sobriety, and my husband has 10 years. We know and understand what it is like to struggle with addiction and how devastating it is for everyone involved,” Gatlin admits.


“God has brought us so far and has done so much in our lives. We want to help others learn how to walk in the freedom God has given us. All things are possible through Christ who gives us the strength,” she smiles with her chin held high.


To become an addictions counselor, one must go through specific training. In order to ensure the proper help is given to those who need it, Gatlin really had to do her homework. Once she became certified, she was asked to put her knowledge and experience to work.


“About three years ago, just after my husband and I finished a Discipleship Counseling course to be certified Christian counselors, someone asked us if we would be willing to work with other men and women who are struggling with addictions,” she beams. “We said yes! We believe by the blood of the lamb, our testimony to what we have overcome, and what God has done for us, He can and will do for anyone!”


The Real Recovery program was born soon after when the Gatlins met their first group of people in need of their help. They have met every week at Daystar Church since then.


Lois and her husband are also certified peer support specialists. Both are forever eager to learn better ways to help others in need.


“God has absolutely turned what was meant as our destruction into something to use toward His glory!” Gatlin giggled. “If we can do it anyone can! We are living proof there is hope!”


The Real Recovery program meets every Tuesday at Daystar Church and everyone is welcome to attend. Each meeting starts with a meal beginning at 6:30 p.m. It is free of charge and is followed by an open group meeting from 7-8 p.m. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please feel free to join this program. For more information, please call Daystar Church at (256) 737-0800 or visit their website at