A Girl’s Day Out: CRAFTED Cullman is a Hit

Natalie Bonner/CullmanSense

CULLMAN – Tucked away behind the doors of Northbrook Baptist Church in the early morning hours on Saturday was an epic crafting sensation that had mothers, daughters and friends alike reveling in crafts and fellowship. 

CRAFTED Cullman is the new brainchild fundraiser for Hospice of Cullman County, sponsored by Share Club of Cullman. This hardworking group of ladies decided to do something different this year as opposed to the traditional tour of homes as they have done for years. 

Long time member and reporter/historian of Share Club, Cindy Ponder, said that she thought the new event was a wonderful way to help Hospice of Cullman County garner the funds needed. 

“We usually do the tour of homes and this time, we had a God calling change of heart, and our committee members who are on the fundraising team in our club got together and thought of this,” Ponder said with a grin. 

The gamble paid off. Attendees raved about the new event that included guest speakers Ben South, who spoke on Southerness as he displayed his original creations for purchase, and Tony Haynes who constructed a beautiful floral arrangement and spoke on floral design. 

Included in the ticket were the two crafting workshops: building terrariums and hand lettering. Each group at a table worked together to create a one of a kind terrarium, enabling participants to have a hands-on experience with the project. They were also sent home with terrarium starter kits. Presenter Connie Sandlin educated the groups on how adding just a bit of green can liven up your indoor space with an eye-catching, easy to care for terrarium. 

The hand lettering “letter lab” workshop was an intensive focus on calligraphy, and a starter kit was distributed with several sheets for one to study and practice this old and highly revered style of script. The ladies enjoyed trying their hand at this lettering, with several remarking it was much harder than they thought it would be. Presenter Laura Ray has been an avid calligrapher since college and perfectly summed up the mindful and difficult nature of calligraphy with a simple phrase we all take for granted in today’s world of technology: “Back when I started calligraphy, there was no copy or delete,” she said with a chuckle. 

The event announced several door prizes and swag bags were given out to all attendees, along with a silent auction that was held. Southerners reunited in their joy of creating and crafting with this special program. 

Mother/daughter duo Rita Fromhold and Magan Bartlett enjoyed the event as not only crafters, a hobby they share together, but as a way to celebrate Mother’s Day with one another and a chance to be artsy and expressive. 

“This event has been great. It’s been very informative and yet a basic enough approach for both activities that anyone would be able to do it. It feels like Pinterest in real life,” Bartlett said, smiling at her mom. 

“It’s reality Pinterest!” Fromhold said with a laugh. “This event has been well organized and it’s just creative, crafty fun for Cullman.” 

The event garnered a large turnout and may turn into an annual event. Housewives, business professionals, mothers and the typical creative woman in general have expressed interest in having this event again as they thoroughly enjoyed this first time program, which allowed their inner creative desires to be expressed in the form of lettering and terrariums. 

    “I am glad this appealed to the Cullman community. We have a lot of talent in Cullman County and using those talents for the greater good of the community, and in turn for Hospice, is a wonderful thing we can do,” Share Club member Ponder said.