Flu Shot Clinics Offer Affordable Vaccinations


CULLMAN – In and around the Cullman area, there will be several flu shot clinics that will be offering flu shots to the public for more than reasonable prices. Flu season will be here before we know it, in fact, a few cases have already happened within our community.


The Cullman County Health Department will be hosting two flu shot clinics this season on October 7 and 8. If you need the flu shot at a rock bottom price, then mark these dates on your calendar. The first clinic on the 7th will be at the Wellness Center at Wallace State Community College from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost of the shot will be $5 and is available to ages six months and up. Rhonda Abbott, clinic supervisor for the health department, says that this service is offered to help the public stay healthy.


“Public health is here for the health and well being of others, and that is why we offer this shot at a reduced rate,” said Abbott. “So everyone is able to have access to the vaccine. And all you need is $5 or your Medicare and Medicaid card if you would like to file it with them.”


For the elderly in our community, there will be many flu clinics being held around the county at local senior centers and town halls. The shots will be given by several local pharmacies such as Hopper’s, Lakeside and Hospital Discount Pharmacies. The schedule is as follows:


Friday, September 26


9:00 to 9:45 a.m. Colony Senior Center


10:00 to 11:30 a.m. – Cullman Senior Center


Tuesday October 7


10:00 to 11:00 a.m. – Cold Springs Senior Center


Becky Faulk, office manager for the Cullman County Commission on Aging, says that it is vitally important for senior citizens to receive their shots.


“Getting a flu shot is especially important for our seniors,” Faulk said. “They are more vulnerable to the virus and have an increased risk of complications if they become sick. We hope that one of the locations will be convenient for them to get a flu shot. If not, they can check with their doctor or local pharmacist.”


Lastly, if you cannot make it to any of the clinics mentioned above, you can always walk into pharmacies like CVS anytime to receive your shot. While some insurance policies do not cover the flu shot in a pharmacy setting, many do, and it is a great and convenient way to be vaccinated.


There are many options available for every family and schedule. Keeping yourself healthy this flu season is important. In some rare cases it could save a life. For more information on the flu vaccine or the upcoming clinics, you can contact the health department at 256-734-1030 or the Cullman County Commission on Aging at 256-734-1241.