Danford departing United Way; Goff named new executive director

United Way of Cullman County

Sammie Danford, left, and Becky Goff, right (United Way of Cullman County)

CULLMAN – On Friday, the United Way of Cullman County (UWCC) announced the departure of Executive Director Sammie Danford, who told The Tribune that she is retiring to take things easy for a while and pursue service opportunities through her church. Assistant Director Becky Goff has been appointed executive director. 

UWCC issued the following statement:

Sammie Danford resigned effective Sept. 28, 2018 after five years of dedicated service to United Way of Cullman County. The board expresses its tremendous gratitude to Ms. Danford for her years of service and leadership.

“Sammie has been instrumental in the development, growth and progress of United Way of Cullman County,” said Steve Moore, board chair.  “She has left a tremendous legacy that impacted countless lives in our community.”

United Way of Cullman County has appointed Becky Goff, executive director effective Oct. 1, 2018.  Goff currently serves as the assistant director and has been in that position since January of 2017.

Goff brings a wealth of knowledge from the nonprofit sector from her previous roll as associate director of communications for the United Way of Miami-Dade, FL, where she worked for nearly 12 years.

“I am excited to continue to contribute to the organizations efforts to create long-term change in our community” Goff Said.  “United Way has a unique position to bring together all sectors of the community to work together for a common good.”

Goff has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from The Ohio State University.  She has been active in Leadership Cullman, Cullman Chamber Ambassadors and serves at Daystar Church.  She lives at Smith Lake with her husband Mike and has two adult children.

United Way and its 16 partner agencies fight for the health, education and financial stability for everyone in Cullman County.

What’s next?

The Tribune spoke with Danford Friday to find out more about her plans.  She said she loves her job but said she has trouble keeping up with the fast pace and still finding time for family, church and herself.

Said Danford, “I’m going to go home for a while and catch up on all this stuff I’ve not been able to do and hope I don’t get bored.  And if I do, then in a few months I’ll look for something. But right now, I’m just going home.”

Danford is a member of Grace Episcopal Church and hopes to become more active in the church’s ministries in coming days.

When UWCC hired Danford in 2013, the agency was in financial distress, but she and her staff managed to turn things around to have one of their best years ever in 2017.  

Danford said, “It’s been a lot of work and a lot of team players, and a lot of good board members helping and doing their part, and volunteers–everybody.  And now, we’re in the black . . . we had a record year last year.

“I’ve got the best staff I’ve ever had.  And that’s when you go out: when things are good.”

Danford concluded, “I think that my success has not been by my own merit.  Any success I’ve enjoyed has been by the grace of God putting me in the right place at the right time, and I’ve just been a vessel.”

For more on United Way of Cullman County, visit www.uwaycc.org.

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