ALDOT: Plan ahead for Labor Day travel; Road construction, lane closures will be limited


MONTGOMERY – The Alabama Department of Transportation urges motorists to drive safely as the Labor Day holiday and college football games are expected to bring an increase in vehicles to Alabama’s highways this weekend.

As an added precaution during the heavily traveled holiday, ALDOT is doing its part for safety by having no temporary lane closures on Alabama interstates after noon on Friday, Aug. 31, through midnight, Monday, Sept. 3.

Emergency lane closures may be possible depending on specific circumstances on interstates and other state roadways. Road improvement and maintenance projects are in place along several segments of Interstate 65 and Interstate 85 throughout Alabama. Lowered speed limits and construction material may remain in place in some areas, depending upon road conditions.

National statistics show that four out of every five work zone fatalities are motorists.

ALDOT offers these tips for driving safely in work zones:

  • Don’t tailgate.  Maintain a safe distance between you and other vehicles.
  • Slow down and pay attention. If you’re speeding, you may encounter slowed or stopped traffic within seconds. Watch for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and construction material.
  • Make sure everyone in your vehicle is wearing a seat belt. Surviving a crash is much more likely when wearing a seat belt. Latest stats from Drive Safe Alabama show that almost 60 percent of people dying in crashes on Alabama highways are not wearing a seat belt.

More safe driving tips are available on the Drive Safe Alabama Facebook page.

Motorists planning their holiday travel route can find Alabama traffic and road condition information at or by downloading the ALGO Traffic app. ALDOT asks motorists to use ALGO Traffic responsibly. Drivers should never text, tweet or use a mobile device while operating a vehicle.