Mayor Jacobs proclaims April 2-8 ‘Public Health Week’ in Cullman


Pictured left to right are Judy Smith, Mayor Woody Jacobs, Anita Batemon and Rachel Sullenger.


CULLMAN – Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs has officially proclaimed the week of April 2-8, 2018, “Public Health Week” in Cullman, urging citizens to recognize the many contributions of the public health professionals in our community. On hand from the Cullman County Health Department to receive the proclamation were Area Administrator Judy Smith, Clinic Supervisor Anita Batemon and Environmental Health Supervisor Rachel Sullenger. 

The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) seeks to promote, protect, and improve the health of individuals and communities in Alabama by providing a wide array of services. In Cullman, these services are provided by the public health professionals of the Cullman County Health Department. Services provided by the Cullman County Health Department include:

-Nutrition assessments, education, and food at no cost to limited-income pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants, and children up to age five.

-Confidential and professional family planning services, regardless of income; breast and cervical cancer screenings to uninsured and underinsured women ages 40-64.

-Childhood and adult vaccines; testing, medication, physician services, hospitalization, and laboratory services for those with tuberculosis disease and their contacts; confidential testing, treatment, counseling, and partner referral for most sexually transmitted diseases. 

-Licensed social work case management and care coordination, protection of patients/residents of health care facilities from abuse and neglect, and home care visits through Medicare-certified home health agencies (skilled nursing, physical therapy, medical social work, personal care services, etc.)

-Issuance of certified copies of birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates.

-Inspections of restaurants, schools, and other food service and lodging establishments (including child care centers); regulation of milk and seafood production; soil testing; regulation and inspection of onsite sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, indoor air quality; vector control; home lead inspections; laboratory testing; rabies investigation, and assurance of emergency medical service standards.

“We appreciate the many services provided to our citizens through the public health professionals of the Cullman County Health Department,” said Jacobs.

The theme of this year’s National Public Health Week (#NPHW) is “Healthiest Nation 2030: Changing our Future Together.” The goal for the week is to focus on a different public health topic each day:

  • Monday’s #NPHW theme is “Behavioral Health,” with the focus on advocating for improved access to mental and behavioral health services.
  • Tuesday’s #NPHW theme is “Communicable Disease,” with the focus on preventing disease transmission.
  • Wednesday’s #NPHW is “Environmental Health,” with the focus on protecting our natural resources and maintaining a healthy planet.
  • Thursday’s #NPHW is “Injury/Violence Prevention,” with the focus on reducing and preventing community violence, improving occupational health and safety, and preventing injuries through appropriate education, policy, and safety measures. 
  • Friday’s #NPHW is “Ensuring the Right to Health,” with the focus on providing everyone an opportunity to live a life free from preventable disease and disability.  

For more information on National Public Health Week, visit

For more information on the Alabama Department of Public Health, visit

For more information on the Cullman County Health department, visit