CCBOE superintendent: please keep sick kids home


CULLMAN – Like seemingly every other institution these days, Cullman County’s schools are being hit hard by the flu.  On Wednesday evening, County Superintendent Shane Barnette sent out the following all-call phone message to county school system parents:

“Hey, this is Shane Barnette, Cullman County Schools superintendent.  I just wanted to call tonight and let everyone know that we're aware that many of our schools have multiple flu cases right now, and we're working really hard to keep things clean and help us not to spread, as much as possible.  And I just want to encourage all of our parents just to talk to their kids, and be sure that the kids wash their hands and use Germ-x throughout the day when they do come back. 

“And if your child’s been diagnosed with the flu, please keep them at home until they've been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of medicine.  And as they come back, just write them a note if they didn't go to the doctor, and (if they were seen by a physician) then include in that note if a doctor called in medicine for them or such as that; but be sure and put in there if they were diagnosed with the flu.  I wanted to let you know that our schools are going to work with your children to help them to make up any work that they miss, and we're going to do our best to get them right back on pace where they were before they were out.  Thank you and I hope everybody recovers quickly.  Good night.”

Barnette told The Tribune that all county schools are affected in varying degrees, in manners consistent with the progress of the flu outbreak in the community in general.  Holly Pond seems to have been hit the hardest, with around 50 students and three or four teachers out by Wednesday. 

The superintendent re-emphasized to The Tribune that students should not come to school sick, or if they have had a fever within the last 24 hours.  He also repeated the system’s commitment to working with anyone who brings a note, to help them get caught up on missed work.

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