Files from Yesteryear: 1919 and 1959


From the Files of 1919:

Eleven students at API were expelled this week for hazing of freshmen.

Miss Lucile Sparks entertained a group of young friends at a Halloween party. Present were Gladys Kilpatrick, Mattie Lea Rollo, Helen Buchmann, Esther Wood, Nannie Mae Burrows, Bessie Metz, Alberta Ziegler, Birdie Brown, Foster Coe, Evon Buchanan, Percy Nuss, Clarence Patillo, Alton Miller, Oscar Upshaw, Harry Wise, Emmett Harris, Escal Roden and Frank Sparks.

James Entrekin was fatally injured at the O.I. Walker Cotton Gin, at Berlin, on Friday. He had been caught in a line  shaft, when found unconscious.

Robert Elrod, 47, of Baileyton, was found dead in bed at the home of his brother-in-law, Millard Ford, on Wednesday morning. Examination showed death was caused by congestion of the brain.

Mrs. Ella Fleming arrived in Cullman on Thursday to make her home, after several years absence.

Misses Edna Herrin and Annie Lola Price were home from Athens College for the weekend.

Willie Griffin attended the Alabama- Sewanee football game, in Birmingham, on Saturday.

Found – Best place to buy outing. Fisher and Sandlins. Adv.

B.F. Hembree is a clerk at the Cullman Post Office.

Miss Maybelle Thompson will be “at home” on Saturday, from 4 to 5 o’clock honoring Miss Wynelle Saint John, bride- elect and Miss Christine Rogers, of Athens.

J.M. Chambers and little daughter, Jazabelle, of Route Nine, Cullman, were in the city on Tuesday.

Mrs. W.E. Barclift and children have returned to Vicksburg, Mississippi, after a visit with Mrs. Katherine Barclift.

Doctor D.J. Parker, of Arkadelphia, was in the city on Monday.


From the Files of 1959:

Mount Hermon News

J.H. Hemrick, N.G. Hyatt and Harvey Hemrick made a trip to Cullman on Wednesday.

W.D. Solley, Joyce, Ray and Travis and Janet Hyatt attended the King Brothers Circus in Cullman, last week.

Doris Solley was at home for the weekend. On Saturday night, Doris and Joyce visited their grandmother, Mrs. Harper and attended the singing at Ruth.

W.D. Solley and Joyce and Shirley Harris went to Huntsville, on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hemrick went to Florida for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cook went also to see their son, Troy, who is in service in Tampa.

Betty Brooks visited Janet Hyatt on Sunday evening.

G.D. Brooks has been very sick this week.

Gilbert Hemrick, of Alabama City, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hemrick, on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Cook and family visited relatives in this community, on Friday.

David Hemrick spent Friday night in Gadsden.

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Head, from Gadsden, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Euel Screws.

Shaddix Rites Held

Funeral services were held today, at Bethel, for Dillman Shaddix, 77, who died on October 16th.

Reverend P.U. Green and Reverend Ray Palmer conducted the services and Moss Service directed interment.

Surviving are one son, Reverend John D. Shaddix and two daughters, Mrs. Susie Fowler and Mrs. Rosa Hyatt.


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