Vinemont receives favorable audit; roads being resurfaced

Heather Mann

VINEMONT – The Vinemont Town Council kicked off this month’s meeting by reviewing the results of the recent town audit, which showed no problems detected. A comparison sheet of previous years' audits showed an incredible increase in the Town's funds. With everyone happy with the results, the council went to work on ordinances and resolutions.

First up was the amending of the Town’s ordinance regarding building permits to comply with the state's terms. The amendment simply included a flat fee for residential buildings. The council also amended the Town’s ordinance on yard sales. Previously the ordinance included a $5 fee for anyone holding a yard sale, but the council voted to do away with the fee entirely. The council also passed two resolutions: one to declare their John Deere Gator as surplus, and the other to authorize mayor Radginal Dodson to enter a contract with Musco Lighting for the lights in the town’s park.

Dodson was pleased to hear that the paving company would set up their equipment and start resurfacing roads this week, weather permitting. Unfortunately, Goodwin Road turned out to be in too poor condition for the company to resurface, so the Town would will need to seal the large cracks in the asphalt before repaving can start. The parks will be busy over the weekend, from Thursday to Monday, because 17 teams will be competing in a district tournament.

There were a few other matters brought up before adjourning. There will be a training session for the council members in Priceville on September 15, and there needs to be a bit of work done around the park to clean up tree branches and stick piles. The Town also considered putting up additional flags in town; the council decided to contact the power company to see which power poles might work best for flag placement.

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