Vinemont HS FCA donates more than $450 to Good Samaritan Clinic

W.C. Mann

Vinemont senior Seth Campbell presents Good Samaritan’s Jolanda Hutson a check for $453.


VINEMONT – On Wednesday morning, the Vinemont High School (VHS) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) welcomed Jolanda Hutson of Cullman’s Good Samaritan Clinic, and presented her with a check for $453 raised at recent fundraising events, including a “hat day” at the school and a car wash.  FCA President and VHS senior Seth Campbell presented Hutson with the check. 

For those who might not be familiar, Hutson explained a little about what Good Samaritan does.

“The Good Samaritan Clinic provides medical care to those who are without any form of health insurance and who meet our income guidelines.  You do have to be a resident of Cullman County.  We’re able to provide a full range of services to our patients, including their medications.  We operate as a primary care clinic, but if there are patients’ needs that we can’t accommodate in the clinic, we do have a network of physicians and specialists that we can refer to out in the community. 

“We couldn’t do any of this without the support of the community, because we are a nonprofit organization, and we rely solely on donations and grants for funding for the services that we provide.”

VHS history teacher and coach Todd Johnson is the faculty sponsor of the school’s FCA chapter.  He said of his students, “We’ve had great participation all year, great kids.  We have over 50, and average around 30 every Wednesday morning at 7:30.  They did a great job on the car wash, and made over $300, and will be able to give Good Samaritan over $450 today.”

Hutson said that this money will go toward the goal of purchasing a new refrigerator for the clinic.  Many medicines used there must be refrigerated, and the staff needs to replace old units that are requiring increasing amounts of maintenance.  Good Samaritan needs a unit with a clear glass front door, similar to convenience store beverage units, so contents can be viewed without opening the door.

“We would love to have a refrigerator donated,” said Hutson, “but if that doesn’t work out, a significant portion of the purchase can be taken care of by this donation.”

Of the FCA students, Hutson said, “When I had the opportunity to come and share with (the students) at their FCA meeting a couple of weeks ago, I shared the Good Samaritan parable from the Bible.  It talked about how we are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourself.  I just really feel like they exemplify this by helping the people in our community who are in need.  And I understand that they got to have some fun themselves, so it’s a win-win situation.”

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