Sacred Heart hosts “Living Last Supper”

W.C. Mann

Knights of Columbus recreate da Vinci’s “Last Supper”

CULLMAN – On Friday evening, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church added to its regular observances of Lent by hosting the Knights of Columbus from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church of Gardendale, who performed a “Living Last Supper.”

The Knights portrayed Jesus and the 12 Apostles in a recreation of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” right down to the poses of the characters in the painting (that depicted the moment after Jesus announced that he would be betrayed by someone at the table).  The actors got to relax as, one by one, each apostle stepped out into a spotlight to tell his personal story based on scriptural accounts.  As each one resumed his place, the stage lights came back up to reveal the painting scene intact once again.  The assembled congregation heard from each apostle and Jesus, portrayed by Evan Kreider.

Before the performance, Paul Townes, who portrayed Thaddeus, shared, “This is our 18th year, and three of us are charter members.  All of us who’ve stayed with it are too old to be apostles, but we do it anyway!  The first time we did it, we were pretty much stick people and not very good at it.  As we’ve done it for years, it gets easier and more rewarding, because I’m not worrying about performing.  When people come up to you and tell you what they got out of it, it’s rewarding and sometimes touching.”

Ken Friedrich, another charter member, added, “Over 18 years, we have done our parts and listened to the other parts somewhere between 180 and 200 times, and I have never gotten tired of it.  It moves me, and I still get a tear in my eye every time I hear it.  To be honest, I can’t wait for us to get started tonight!”

The Knights of Columbus from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton average four to five performances every year during Lent, and not just in Catholic churches.  They’ve recently accepted invitations to Lutheran, Methodist and Baptist churches as well.  In addition to the Living Last Supper, they also support multiple seminary students and raise money for local food programs for the needy.

As the evening’s activities drew to a close, Dan Gardner (who portrayed James the Lesser) commented on his experience as a Knight, “I went to my first meeting, and my wife said, ‘What did you think of the meeting?’  I said, ‘You know, any group of guys who get together and start their meeting with the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, there’s some good people.’  That’s the kind of friends I want.  You couldn’t get me out of here, now.”

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