Catching up with American Legion Post 4; Swamp John’s today at 4

Andrew Cryer

L-R: Scott Bealer (district chaplain), Charles Wunderlich (Sons of the American Legion), Frederick Arceneaux (Squadron 4 commander), Dan Raley (commander, Post 4) and Don Reid (post adjutant)


GOOD HOPE – Cullman American Legion Post 4, located at 181 Reid Road in Good Hope, held its monthly meeting recently. The group, along with members of the Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary, gathered to discuss future plans.

Post 4 has several upcoming events that will benefit veterans of Cullman County. Not only does the American Legion provide financial support to veterans, they also provide a social atmosphere; every Saturday night, Post 4 hosts a bingo night. All veterans and their families are encouraged to attend.

Today, March 13, Post 4 will host a Swamp John’s event from 4-7 p.m. at the Cullman VFW post, 112 Veterans Dr. Plates are $11. Folks interested in volunteering should contact Dan Raley, commander of Post 4, at 256-347-4732 or Fredrick Arceneaux, Squadron 4 commander, at 256-615-5036. Raley says all proceeds will go to supporting the needs of veterans in Cullman County.

From April 20-23, the American Legion will be hosting a membership drive. Membership in the Sons of the American Legion is available to all male descendants of veterans who served during wartime. The veteran does not need to have been deployed in the war; if he or she served during a wartime then membership is accepted. Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is available to all female veterans and their dependents, both male and female, if the veteran meets the wartime criteria.  New members will participate in the nomination of officers, which will be held in April. The election will be held at the May meeting, and installments will occur in June. 

On June 2-3, the American Legion will be working Rock the South, assisting with parking. Volunteers are needed for this event. The Legion will use this as a fundraising opportunity to further assist veterans. 

In addition to providing assistance and social support to veterans, the American Legion also works toward educating youth about American civics. The American Legion fully supports the proposed Alabama Senate bill which would require students to pass a citizenship exam before receiving their diplomas. Not only does the American Legion, according to Arceneaux, support the Alabama bill, but they hope that a bill will bring the requirement to the national stage.

“One out of three students (nationally) don’t know the three branches of government,” stated Arcneaux, as he expressed the importance of such a bill.

The American Legion, and associated groups, meets on the second Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. for dinner; meetings begin at 7 p.m.

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