Obituary: Allen Shearer Hall, Jr.


A Celebration of life for Allen S. Hall, Jr, 69, of Mt. Olive will be at 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at Ryan Creek Baptist Church 24849 Co. Rd. 222, Bremen, Al 35033. Visitation will be 2 p.m. and service to follow at 3 p.m. The floor will be open to share your favorite stories if you choose or you can write them and bring them with you. There will be a memory dropbox to leave your thoughts. 

Cullman Funeral Home is honored to serve the family. 

Obituary lovingly written by family: 

Allen was born on  July 9, 1955, to Allen and Gladys Hall. He passed away on Monday, December 23, 2024. 

He was preceded in death by his father, Allen S. Hall, Sr and his Grandparents Troy & Laura Hall. 

He is survived by his children, son, Troy Allen Hall(Brandy), Daughter Laura Farmer, grandson, Owen Gooch, Mother Gladys Hall, Sisters, Becky Freeman(Johnny), Susan Jones(), Brother Bruce Hall(Leigh), and a host of Nieces Nephews and friends that adored him. 

Allen was a lighthearted person with a strong work ethic. He was well respected in his field of work as a superintendent in the construction industry. He had many awards and magazine features in Southern Homes & Gardens due to his skilled craftsmanship.  He oversaw the construction of many commercial and residential properties from the Birmingham Metro area, to the Shores of Smith Lake and the Beaches of Florida.  His brother Bruce worked alongside him on many of these projects as an electrician.  Not only could he build a beautiful home and run a successful crew he could build a truck from the ground up. There wasn’t much he couldn’t do.  Throughout the years, he enjoyed hunting and fishing with his son Troy and many of his friends. He loved music and was always singing or whistling a tune. 

Allen chose to live a simple life surrounded by sentimental things that brought him joy. He wore a smile and brought a laugh and a hug everywhere he went.  He believed in working hard, living simple, and being good to people. He loved his church, his colleagues, family and friends and they all loved him back. He will be greatly missed. 

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