Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 21, 1961

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Dec. 21, 1961

Wesleyan Service Guild Has Christmas Party

Miss Jane Shelton was hostess for the Christmas party of the First Methodist Wesleyan Service Guild at the home of Miss Evelyn Winn on Monday evening.

The program “The Meaning of Christmas” was presented by Miss Shelton, Miss Lollie Young, Mrs. Maude Patrick, Miss Evelyn Winn and Miss Myrtle Bean, who climaxed the program with a symbolic candle lighting ceremony.

A gift exchange and delicious refreshments were enjoyed by those mentioned and Mesdames Leon Poole, Julia Smith, Marvin Scott, Minnie Brook, Rufus Glasscock, Hoyt Hancock, H. A. Mann, McCurdy, and Misses Daisy Box, Mary Denman, Annie Funderburk, and Opal Cooper.

Following the meeting gifts and refreshment plates were delivered to Guild members unable to attend, Mesdames Anne Kinney, Susie Bynum, Maude Evans,

Golden Agers Have Christmas Party

The Golden Agers held their Christmas party Thursday evening at 6 o’clock. Each member brought a covered dish and then they enjoyed gift exchanges.

The members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Band played for their entertainment. Those playing were Mrs. Frank Bennett, W. O. Buettner, Jr., Herman Buettner, Neil Buettner, Donald Howard and Ronnie Apel, with Mrs. Richard Buettner accompanying at the piano.

The Golden Agers enjoying their evening of fellowship were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Warnke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dahlke, Mr. and Mrs. Chriss Naeglea, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dahlke, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Messersmith, Rev. Edgar Homrighausen, and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Anna Werner, Flora Fehler, Eda Malchow, Nellie Ritschard, Freda Rockel, Minnie Peinhardt, Doris Bowling, Gertrude Heichmiller, Lizzie Seitz, Hattie Cordes, Anna Dunn, Lillie Goeller, Katie Hartwig, Viola Wenhold, Mrs. Christine Griffis of Nashville, Tenn.

Guests were the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Band listed above and also Mr. and Mrs. Bill Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Buettner, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Otto Buettner, Miss Caroline Hartwig, Mrs. Katherine Wolf and Geraldine, Mrs. Neil Buettner, Joyce, Kathy and Neil, Jr.

The Fellowship Club members were Wilhelmina Hartwig, Helen Marie Dahlke, Cora McNabb, Charlotte Seitz, Tillie Malchow and Edward Goeller.

Fine Wrapping Enhances Gifts

Decorative wrapping can do much to enhance the appearance and value of the most simple gifts.

Here are a few suggestions to help you to better gift wrapping:

— Always work on a solid surface—a kitchen table, for instance—that affords plenty of “extra” room.

— Carefully measure paper before cutting. Cutting away excess paper after gift is half wrapped is cumbersome task, does not make for neat wrapping.

— Make your bow separately and do not attach it until rest of wrapping is completed.

— Be sure that ribbon matches at least one of the colors in wrapping paper.

— Don’t use dainty designs or pastel paper for a man’s gift.

— Paper with large designs or broad stripes should not be used to wrap small packages.

Office Staff Enjoys Christmas Dinner Party

The St. Bernard College office employees had a Christmas dinner at the All-Steak Cafe one evening last week. The table was decorated for the occasion with Christmas greens and candles. Each lady contributed items to make up a Christmas basket for some underprivileged family.

Those enjoying the dinner were Mrs. Hilda Mullins, Mrs. Maxine Jenkins, Miss Delores Shoemaker, Miss Barbara Moore, Mrs. Joanna Sloan, Mrs. Klara Kant, Mrs. Radu Florescu, Mrs. Mary Ellen Schlosser, Miss Cora Lee England, Miss Barbara Allen, Miss Margaret Jones, Miss Jeanette Self, Miss Janet Box, and Miss Marian Jax.

Christmas gifts were exchanged after the dinner.