Alpha Nutrition and The Garage hosting cash prize unsanctioned powerlifting meet Aug. 24

The unsanctioned cash powerlifting meet hosted by Alpha Nutrition and the Garage will take place on Saturday, Aug. 24, starting at 4 p.m. Competing athletes are required to weigh in on Friday anytime from 4-7 p.m. Admission is $10 for spectators. (Taylor Marie Crowder)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Alpha Nutrition and The Garage are teaming up to host an in-house, unsanctioned powerlifting meet with cash prizes. The meet is set for Saturday, Aug. 24, from 4 p.m. until the last athlete has completed his or her lift. Competing athletes are required to weigh in on Friday, Aug. 23, from 4-7 p.m. The meet will be held at The Garage, a local gym located at 4330 County Road 703 in Cullman.

The meet will cover the three primary lifts in a traditional powerlifting meet: the squat, deadlift and bench press. Lifters will get three attempts at each lift, with judges determining a clean lift from a failed lift. A singlet is required. The meet will be raw with no wraps and will be using WRPF standards on all lifts. DOTS score will determine the best male and female lifter of the event.

The competition will have an 80-lifter cap with a $100 buy-in per lifter. Dues are required to be paid by Aug. 17. The top female and male winners will walk away with a quarter of the total pot each, with the remainder going to cover expenses for The Garage and Alpha Nutrition. This will be an unsanctioned meet available to lifters in all categories. 

Zack Gordon, owner of Cullman Barbell and organizer of the meet, shared why this meet is different than the others available to the public. “It’s different because it’s an opportunity to get paid for your hard work,” he said. “Not a cheap medal or piece of paper. Real money.”

With The Garage hosting the meet, attendees can expect a loud and intense atmosphere similar to the “My Bloody Valentine” powerlifting meet hosted earlier this year. For those seeking to encourage and hype up athletes in their element, The Garage will be the place to be. Admission is $10 a person for those wanting to come out and watch the event. Mrs. Macias will set up shop at The Garage and offer her homemade tamales, tacos and drinks.

Gordon offered encouraging words for those considering participating for the first time, saying, “My advice to a newbie would be to come on, and have fun. If we knew who was going to win, there’d be no reason to compete. It’s like any other sport in that any given day you could find yourself a winner or loser. It’s also an incredibly encouraging and inspiring community. Everyone will be happy to see them try.”

Those interested in competing can contact Cullman Barbell at 256-590-6371 or search for “Unsanctioned Cash Powerlifting Meet” on Facebook. For more information on The Garage, call 256-962-0463 from 4-8 p.m.

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