‘We need the support of our community’

The Cullman County Animal Shelter and its animals depend on the love and generosity of volunteers. (Cullman Tribune file photo)

Cullman County Animal Shelter encourages volunteers

CULLMAN, Ala. – Animals have been shown in popular culture as loving and loyal companions. As it turns out, science supports that characterization. In addition to the countless ways a pet can enrich a home and life, The National Institutes of Health says people can reap countless mental and physical benefits from spending time with animals, including lowering pain, anxiety and stress levels.

The staff and volunteers at the Cullman County Animal Shelter are well aware of the benefits of an animal’s love and affection, and that animals can benefit from visitors and volunteers willing to walk, feed, bathe and play with them on a regular basis.

“We love our volunteers and it can come in many forms. Typically that consists of spending time grooming, walking and just loving on our cats and dogs,” said Cullman County Animal Shelter Manager Andrea Hudson. “We enjoy company and so do our animals.”

A volunteer application is readily available at the shelter for any big-hearted animal lovers who wish to volunteer regularly; however, volunteering sporadically on a “drop-in” basis is encouraged as well. Whether 20 minutes or all day, any visit is equally beneficial to the animals and volunteers alike.  

Said Hudson, “We have people who have had a stressful day at work or just in general that come in for 15 -20 minutes of animal therapy. Another way to volunteer if you can’t actually come in is to support us on Facebook. Each share, like and comment helps us tremendously in getting our babies adopted or claimed. We need the support of our community.”

The Cullman County Animal Shelter is located at 935 Convent Road NE and can be reached by phone at 256-734-5448. Its hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Get more info at www.facebook.com/cullmancountyanimalshelter.