Peinhardt Living History Farm legacy; Farm Days Oct. 14-15

(Lauren Estes)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Peinhardt family has been teaching and inspiring the younger generations for nearly three decades at the Living History Farm in Cullman.  

Lovingly known as “the farm” by Peinhardt family members – it’s located on Tally Ho Street in Cullman and is open in September/October for third-grade field trip events for all Cullman County schools. 

Sisters Jennifer, Sabrina and Tamara (all née Peinhardt) pour into the heart of the farm by giving back to the community through teaching what farmers did in the 1930s and 1940s to local third graders.  

Jennifer Peinhardt Tucker said her grandfather went to Auburn and always hosted local FFA and land judging groups in order to share agriculture with local kids. 

“When my grandparents were still alive, they started hosting the local field trips and were open for one day to the public,” Tucker said. “We started the field trips back this week and are hosting schools for two weeks for just kids in our county and city. This is just a unique opportunity to teach and share interactive works on a field trip. We have five different teaching stations where the kids can learn about different aspects of farming life during the 30s-40s.” 

The stations at the farm include woods station, horse and mule station, barnyard station, Food preservation station and a baby chick station.  

Kids learn about different types of trees, poison ivy, all things about horses and mules and how they were utilized for crops, animals in the barnyard and meat that comes from them, how food is preserved from the animals like milk and meat and how chickens lay eggs and the process that comes from that.  

Sabrina Peinhardt Hudson shared that two of their relatives who are the centerpieces of the heart of the farm still pour into it.  

“Dr. Bill Peinhardt still teaches one of the kids stations and Eddie Peinhardt is also still a huge part of the farm,” Hudson shared. “We are the only people that host a learning educational field trip – truly showing what life was like in the 30s-40s. Our curriculum is specifically for third graders, and we spend a lot of time getting the farm ready and trying to keep it going. We have 30-35 volunteers that help us prepare for fall each year and we couldn’t do it without them. We are so very thankful for our volunteers.” 

The Living History Farm will be open to the public on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 15, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. for Peinhardt Farm Days.  

There will be many vendors, pottery, homemade foods and vegetables for sale, demonstrations of making soaps, molasses and more. There will also be food available for purchase and live music, and the museums will be open.  

Tickets will be available for purchase at the event. For more information, visit  

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